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Joined Mar. 6, 2012 10:03am

avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

12w3d: Only a week and a half left of the first trimester!
By avereemorgan1119 » Posted May. 4, 2012 1:14pm - 443 views - 2 comments

Time just seems to be flying by now, I can't believe it! I am so excited I will be in the second trimester in less than two weeks, what a wonderful feeling. These past six weeks have probably been some of the most difficult weeks of my life, and some of the most wonderful. The milestones I've encountered already in such a short period of time is just outstanding, and I'm proud of myself, because boy pregnancy isn't easy! It's been hard adjusting to the physical and emotional changes, but oh so worth it. With my little bump starting to peek through a bit, I am almost worry free. It seems so silly how much I worried myself in the past over this baby. And now I've finally made it to the twelfth week, and things keep getting better.

On Tuesday, I had my 12 week prenatal appointment. I got to hear my little angel's heartbeat, a strong and fast 160bpm! Quite a difference compared to two weeks ago. So now I feel so much better knowing that the heartbeat is strong, and baby is continuing to grow happy and healthy.

I, on the other hand, have been so sick I can barely move! I though the morning sickness/all-day sickness would pass by now, but it got increasingly worse over the past week. I'm pretty sure I picked up a stomach bug, and last night I thought I was dying I was so sick. I've been EXTREMELY bound up to the point of where I am crying, and getting little relief from old remedies. But luckily this morning after several painful and aognizing hours, I started to feel a bit more relieved.

My huband has been wonderful. Every day I come home from work he'll rub my feet for at least a hal hour and sometimes I just want to fall asleep. I have a new job now, and it's great, but I am exhausted every night. Getting up at 4:30 am is almost intolerable! But I have such a great spouse that it is all worth it at the end of the day!

And next month I find out my sweetheart's gender (though we are pretty convinced we are having a daughter!). Robert always call the baby, "his little girl." He'll joke with me and rub my belly and say, "We don't need an ultrasound to prove anything, that's my daughter in there, I know it." And I had this gut instinctfrom the beginning it was a girl anyway. I guess our hunch will be revealed in June (yay!)

Well as much as I'd like to keep track of things more, it's jsut sp hard until I get back home. I'm using a library computer right now because there's no internet at my mother's place. But it won't be much longer. And I still, as always, can't wait until November!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from knicole27 » Posted May. 4, 2012 1:40pm
oh and i am sorry your still so sick.. it really didn't get much better for me till 15 weeks and to be honest with you there are still a few times a week i feel nauseous and queasy. :/ but .. at least it is tolerable now. So it will get easier eventually! hang in there mama! :D

Comment from knicole27 » Posted May. 4, 2012 1:39pm
I can't believe your almost to the 2nd tri!! thats so exciting! I am so excited for you guys! I will say that the ENTIRE time my hubby called this baby even as a embryo by the name we picked out for a boy as Liam and he never put one thought to it that it was a girl he talked about "his son" constantly. So a few weeks before we found out i got nervous because I was like.. "what if its a girl?" he always said he would be happy and accepting of either but he was always convinced and knowing it was a boy.. and low and behold. He was right! So there might be something to that "husband knowing" stuff. ;) Can't wait till you find out! I had my OFFICIAL gender/anatomy scan today. I couldn't believe how much he looks like a actual baby now! I can start to see his profile and see that he has daddy's nose and lips and long legs and it brings tears of joy. I love it!!

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