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Joined Mar. 6, 2012 10:03am

avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

14w5d: Holy belly!
By avereemorgan1119 » Posted May. 20, 2012 2:51pm - 210 views - 1 comment

It is so nice to officially be in my second trimester... what a wonderful feeling! Time just seems to be flying, which is a good thing. My belly is getting larger now, starting to have a hard time hiding it. I can still hide it under my scrubs though, so when I'm at work it's hard to tell. But once I'm home, that bump is right out there! It's funny... because my husband is so use to me being in my work clothes... so one day when we went shopping I wore this tight shirt with my capris and all of a sudden he looks at my belly and goes, "Oh wow... you're REALLY starting to show now, when did that happen?"

Haha. Cute. But I love it so much. I feel these little twinges now and again, but still waiting for that big kick! But feeling a lot more then I use to.

So now my symptoms...

I still have awful, awful, awful nausea. Starting to get concerned, because I've lost another pound this week, and lost four in just one week not too long ago. I can't seem to put weight on! I can't eat hardly anything, and it's a bit exhausting... I'm tired allllll the time, feel like I can't sleep enough, I have TERRIBLE acne (and may I add I never suffered with it as a kid!), my boobs are bulging out of my bra, I can't button ANY pre pregnancy pants, my stomach is getting... HAIRY?! Eww! My teeth and gums ache, my feet swell like balloons, and my hair is limp and gross. And I'm barely halfway there... YIKES!

But the good news? I love being pregnant, and every symptom I get makes me happy because it's a reminder that something cute is depending on me :) And I've only got five more weeks till the halfway point... sooo exciting! November... here we come!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from knicole27 » Posted May. 20, 2012 4:11pm
yay!! second trimester! what a great feeling! I wish I had some good news for you for the nausea. I am 23 weeks now and yep still getting it just not as often as the first trimester. I can barely eat. My doctor is talking about putting me on Reglan but. I am hesitant but if I am having a hard time putting on weight where is baby supposed to get some fat from? so idk. Sometimes when it comes to medications and such those benefits have to out weigh the risks. My lil man was measuring 13 oz in weight at 21 weeks. My doctor told me this was in the 40 percentile. :/ but then when I look at every site online it says that actually about "normal" for weight. So idk. haha i am crazy hairy too and my hair is.. yucky, dry brittle breaking not very pretty at all and the old wives tale says "boys make you beautiful" ha yah right! I look so haggard in pregnancy with him. Oh well. I love him THAT much that I don't care. :)

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