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Joined Mar. 6, 2012 10:03am

avereemorgan1119's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 13, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal

16w3d: A lot on my mind.
By avereemorgan1119 » Posted Jun. 1, 2012 6:20am - 367 views - 2 comments

I missed my 15 week update, not like much happened. Although I did fee little flutters last week, I really fel a big ole kick yesterday! Baby is very active at night when I'm laying down or trying to sleep.... go figure!

So here I am now... almost 16 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. I have so much worry and so much on my mind I find it almost impossible to hold my head high. I haven't gained a single pound... not one. I'm so devastated (never, EVER thought I'd hear myself say that!) But how can I be okay with not gaining weight, if I haven't gained... how is baby growing the way s/he is supposed to!? I'm trying to eat healthy and keep hydrated but I am just so sick all the time it's almost impossible to keep anything down, I'm going crazy!

Day and night I am sick. I can barely drink water without it coming back up... I called my OB but she was about useless... told me she'd have my nurses call me back and let me know about my insurace to see if they'd cover Zofran. And I haven't heard back from her. I'm so worried. I mean it's not like I'm somce scrawny chicken, so maybe that's in my advantage, and Baby is definitely kicking and active, so am I worrying for nothing? Maybe it's actually healthy that I haven't gained weight? I do fluctaute, so I don't know. Un-needed worry and fear I'm sure.

I find out what peanut is this month.... how exciting this will be! I can't wait to start shopping for him/her. Praying we get our little girl that we've both been dreaming of since we found out we were finally going to be parents... :)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from avereemorgan1119 » Posted Jun. 1, 2012 6:22pm
Yes I know, I haven't been keeping in touch on here, but I'm back home so going to be trying really hard! I worked for two weeks in a row with no day off in between and boy did I feel it... I got so run down I felt like I was gunna pass out last night and today. Luckily feeling a bit better now... I'm happy to hear everything is going well with you and Liam for the most part. My husband is going to be shipped out in December (Thankfully a few months away, he's in the marines) and even though he'll be here for the birth of our child it's a lot to take in.. going without him after having a newborn is going to be tough, I'm sure but I have a great support system! It's so nice that you are always there to cheer me up, thank you!!! *big hugs*

Comment from knicole27 » Posted Jun. 1, 2012 10:53am
There you are hun!! been thinking of you!! please don't worry about the weight gain issue too much. I am 25 weeks and I went in to see my midwife yesterday..she told me I have only gained 6 lbs!! and you know that thats all baby, fluids, placenta, amniotic sac, and boobs! but she said she is not worried about it yet as that 6 lbs I have just recently gained steadily in the last month or so. I also am having a hard time with hydration because it wants to come back up as I am running out of room along with the super slow movement of any type of food in my GI tract. I told her I only drink about 6 glasses a day.. which is true.. she said not worry about it?? i thought that was odd but she told me nothing could really be done either medication wise.. so told me to do my best. If I start to get crampy to go in for IV fluids in L&D. :/ boo.. hang in there lady! know i feel your pain though..quite literally! *hugs* :)

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