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Joined Dec. 16, 2011 3:42pm

Mamaof2soon3's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 28, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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I think I'm laboring!!! 37 weeks tomorrow!!
By Mamaof2soon3 » Posted Aug. 6, 2012 1:42pm - 354 views - 1 comment

I'm officially done being happy prego mama! and want to be happy mama of new born baby!!! Everything hurts right now...and I am doing a horrible job the past two days keeping up my my other small children. They are grouchy and I am because of it.


Painful contractions that last 30sec to 1min! They radiate in my lower back, entire front side, and pus baby into my pelvis that much more! They feel like beginning stages of real labor


mood swings


feeling of constipation

spurts of energy

and the need to withdrawal from the family and friends. ( THis was the obvious symptom for me last pregnancy...hadn't seen long distance family and friends in a while and the night before I went into labor they all came over for dinner...I wanted nothing to do with any of them..so I stayed in the kitchen cleaning and eating by myself. lol..not normal)

Anyway..I find it interesting to read others symptoms up to day of labor..here are mine. I'm really thinking I should see this bundle real soon. At least I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!

Rub them bellies for luck ladies!!!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Coomy08 » Posted Aug. 6, 2012 2:12pm
Yay! I hope it's real laboring for you, I know it's hard enough with being 8 months pregnant and chasing a toddler around let alone having 2 young children to chase around and being in your 9th month. Have my fingers crossed for you that baby will be here soon :)

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