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Joined Jan. 27, 2012 8:27pm

dmartin65's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 1, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 53 years old

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35 Week Sonogram and follow up BP appnt.
By dmartin65 » Posted Dec. 30, 2012 3:25pm - 410 views - 2 comments

Well Friday I had my follow up appointment for my high blood pressure with my perinatal specialist. She did a sonogram to check my fluid levels which are still on the high side, but so far are not increasing, which is great news. While doing the sonogram the doctor turned on the 4D imaging which we LOVE. Sabrina has the fattest cheeks. We are just so in love with her. My specialist also stated that due to my high blood pressure that if it goes up and stays up at any point now they will go ahead and take her since I am 35 weeks. She said best case is I will have Sabrina in two weeks!! TWO WEEKS! My due date is Feb. 1st, but I always had a feeling she would come early. I have been in triage 3 times in 3 weeks with high blood pressure. After the sonogram Friday my doctor decided to check my blood pressure and sure enough it was high, so down to triage I went. For some reason when I get down there and they monitor my bp it goes back to normal. I think it is because they have me laying on my side the whole time. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow with my OB for my triage visit. He has me on complete bedrest with bathroom visits only, but I am worried he will admit me to the hospital tomorrow if my pressure is high at my visit. We shall see what happens. The triage visits are tiring and very frustrating, but everything is so worth it for this sweet baby girl.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from dmartin65 » Posted Jan. 6, 2013 8:32am
Thank you my friend. I have been thinking about you! Please keep in touch and let me know what you find out moving forward. Hugs to you.

Comment from according » Posted Jan. 5, 2013 10:27am
she is absolutely darling d :) it looks like she is hugging her umbilical cord! Can't wait to see your delivery story

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