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Joined Jul. 1, 2011 12:02pm

NewMommy07's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 7, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old
Location: Riverton, United States

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My Journal

13 weeks and the ER
By NewMommy07 » Posted Sep. 3, 2011 1:27pm - 213 views - 3 comments

I spent the day yesterday cramping off and on, super dizzy, and feeling like I was baking from the inside out. I attributed everything to the heat since it was up over 100 again, but once we got done eating dinner I started feeling even worse and the cramping was consistent. So, I called the doctor and they told me to go in and get seen since it'd been going on all day and wasn't stopping.

Well, we went and waited 3 hours in the waiting room. Then 2 hours in the exam room. Finally the doctor came back and said they were going to do an ultrasound, give me fluids, and check for infections. At this point I'm basically having a panic attack cause I'm terrified since nobody has checked on my Nugget, not even with a Doppler. So we wait and they finally start to move and take blood and get IV fluids hooked up and then take me off to sono.

Nugget is measuring 13 weeks 6 days, which is farther than I thought I was from my first sonogram. They estimated my due date 4 days earlier too which is interesting. The baby is very, very active and using my bladder as a bouncy castle so I was SO relieved that s/he is ok!! Thank you God!

I get back to my room, where hubby is waiting and having a heart attack because he couldn't go to sono with me, and we wait some more. They didn't have a printer so we got no pics to take home of Nugget which upset me, but I'm just happy everything was on track. The nurse came in a little while later and was like you can go home! So I ask her umm what's wrong with me?? She had no idea and I think said something to the doctor because he came back in and explained that the baby was slightly dehydrated from the heat and also my fibroid has grown and is pushing on things causing the cramping and pain I'm having. Basically nothing they can do about it so I came home and passed out for the day.

I'm nervous that this fibroid is going to cause problems other than just pain for me. He said it may continue to grow through the whole pregnancy and hopefully shrink after the baby is born. Guess I'll be making a phone call to my OB Monday and seeing if they want to move my visit up from the end of the month or anything. *sigh*

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from JLMarks » Posted Sep. 8, 2011 2:05pm
Holy Cow, I'm sorry you had to go through this. I would have been freaking out. I'm glad to hear things are going better and you got good news.

Comment from NewMommy07 » Posted Sep. 4, 2011 2:09pm
Thanks hun! Unfortunately I still feel the same though. It gets very hot here in the summer, been as high as 125 a few times this summer even. Our winters aren't too bad just lots of snow and ice. I'm definitely ready for winter here because I can't take the heat even when I'm not pregnant! Scotland will be fun! I definitely agree a cold winter is better than a hot summer!

Comment from ravilma » Posted Sep. 4, 2011 3:16am
Oh dear... that must have been so worrying for you! Glad you are ok though! Hope you are feeling a lot better now. Is it a big temperature differences between the seasons where you are? Do you usually get very hot summer and cold snowy winter? We are moving to Scotland in next few months, so most of my pregnancy will be through cold winter which is probably better than heat. All the best. R.

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