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Joined Jun. 27, 2011 7:45pm

jkg9510's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 1, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

10 weeks, Feeling Unimportant
By jkg9510 » Posted Sep. 6, 2011 1:55pm - 439 views - 0 comments

Well I'm officially a quarter of the way through this pregnancy, but it hardly feels like it! I'm feeling pretty good lately, getting hungrier, not so bloated, but still like a nice nap from time to time 8). I actually don't feel as pregnant as I used to, I hope this feeling means nothing. I haven't spotted in over a week (fx) and couldn't be happier about this. However, I have started bleeding a tiny bit after #2 (sorry if that's tmi), and not vaginally if you get my drift. Occasionally I'll feel a stretching something or other in my belly and sometimes a feel flutters, and I know every preachy woman out there will tell me it's just gas, not the baby, but they can keep those comments to themselves. No woman wants to hear that. I go to my doctor on Thursday to hear the heartbeat and I'm really a little nervous! If we hear it and all sounds well, I think we'll let everyone know. I'm a little worried that it still may be too early to feel any sort of confidence about being/staying pregnant but, does anyone ever feel like their "out of the woods?" Even when you give birth to a healthy little baby, a mother will still worry constantly about their childs' saftely and health. Mothering has no expiration date. On another note, we went to a beautiful, snazzy wedding this weekend. I wore a loose dress so no one could see my baby bump, since no one there but the bride knows I'm pregnant. There was no assigned seating, so we sat at a big table by ourselves and two women who also knew no one sat next to us. Then, my husband's pregnant cousin and her husband and his friend asked if they could sit at our table. A little backstory on the cousin: We'll call her Angela. She is 30 years old, she and her husband got married less than a month before we did. Her mom and my husband's dad are siblings, and are in constant competition with each other, and force their children to do so also. Angela's younger sister, Amy, got married 7/7/07, and my husband's sister got married 7/27/07. My husband's sister had her first baby in January of 2008, and Amy had her first in April of 2008. As you can see, this family feud runs deep. Anyway, we have been sort of hesitant to share our news with this side of the family because we don't want anyone thinking we got pregnant just to steal their thunder. I know you're probably thinking, "oh that's silly, no one would think you're bringing a child into this world just to spite someone!" but unfortunately, that's how this family operates. So anyway, back to the wedding. After the cousin and her small entourage sit down, the pastor that married both of us sits down too! What a group! Anyway, everyone at the table starts making a big fuss over Angela and her pregnancy COMPLETELY ignoring my husband and I. I felt about an inch tall, like if I'm not pregnant then I'm not worth talking to. I wanted to jump on the table lift up my dress and show them all my baby bump (which is bigger than the cousin's, by the way, she's very tall and barely showing at all for 21 weeks)! It was so depressing. This went on for almost 2 hours. Everyone left the table except for Angela and she finally acknowledges us and says "So, when are you two going to think about having kids?" I looked at my husband and he nodded, so I meekly replied, "Actually, I'm 10 weeks pregnant." She then proceeded with the "OH MY GOSH!! Congratulations! When are you due! etc, etc." That made me feel a little better, but still kind of left out, since no one else was there. I know this is SO SELFISH, she deserves all the attention that she got (especially since they had been trying for 10 months and saw a fertility specialist 3 weeks before they found out they were 7 weeks pregnant). I just felt so unimportant and worthless. I cried the whole way home, which was 2 and a half hours. I cannot wait to just be open and honest and elated and to be able to share it with anyone.

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