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Joined Jun. 27, 2011 7:45pm

jkg9510's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 1, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

12 weeks 5 days
By jkg9510 » Posted Sep. 23, 2011 8:37am - 366 views - 1 comment

How far along: 12 weeks 5 days

How Big is the Baby: almost 3 inches

New/Changed Symptoms: Still Dizzy, HEARTBURN!

Emotions: nervous, it's that time in the pregnancy where I can't feel the baby move and most of my big symptoms have gone away, so I'm just hoping our little one is still happily swimming around in there!

Something Funny That Happened: I was worried about not having a belly yet on Monday, but now it has popped out of no where! Family and neighbors have even commented on it!

Best moment of the Week: Went for a walk up to the Rootbeer Stand with my hubby for ice cream. He made the comment "We better do this more, while we're still able to." My response: "What do you mean?! When the baby is here we can just put them in the stroller!" Justin: "I know that, I said it because we won't be living here for very much longer." (we are renovating a house we just bought a few towns over) Duh!!

Movement: I still don't know if I can feel it or not. I feel little movements but I can't tell if it's the babe or not.

Maternity Clothes: still nothing, my belly has grown but I've lost about 9 lbs now so my old pants button around belly but hang off of me everywhere else.

Weight: down 9 lbs now! BUT my appetite is coming back so hopefully I can gain a little weight!

Food cravings: Mexican chicken kabobs with LOTS of veggies!

Food aversions: I can't think of any this week!

What I Miss: Having a drink at dinner with my hubby

What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out what it is, I've had two dreams now that it's a boy! In the first one I was at an OBGYN (not my own) getting an ultrasound and he said "Well, that's not a second umbilical cord you're seeing!" and in the second dream I was looking at a ultrasound computer monitor and the baby had it's little butt up in the air and I saw little testicles!! I know they haven't dropped yet and they will be MUCH smaller in reality than they were in my dream but I think my body/subconscious knows something I don't!! I hope it's a boy, we agree on everything from nursery theme to names if it's a boy, but not for a girl!

Milestone: my appetite coming back?

Question(s): Has anyone dreamed the sex and been right??

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from peachesnkreme » Posted Sep. 25, 2011 7:47am
I've been having dreams about the sex. I've had 2 girls and 1 boy dream! I find out in 2 weeks which one is right.

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