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Joined Jul. 1, 2011 12:02pm

NewMommy07's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 7, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old
Location: Riverton, United States

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My Journal

16 Weeks
By NewMommy07 » Posted Sep. 26, 2011 2:29pm - 188 views - 0 comments

Today I am 16 weeks and 5 days!

This past weekend was absolutely horrible. I was back in the ER on friday for pain again, sent by my OB who still hadn't seen me for said pain. Spent 8 hours there, got to see the baby and know that nugget is doing great. S/He weighs about 5oz. and was measuring 16w4d and decided to keep their legs crossed and wave so we couldn't find out the gender. Definitely takes after me in the ornery department!

Anyway, they saw that my fibroid hadn't grown at all so they just chalked it up to it causing more pain and gave me some tylenol with codeine to use for a couple days to get out of pain since I couldn't even sleep. Well, the tylenol worked great and I was able to sleep friday night for the most part. Then saturday rolled around and all hell broke loose. Hubby brought home lunch and I took one bite of a taco and ran to the bathroom throwing up everything. Once that was over, I noticed my face was covered in hives so off to the ER we went again with a few stops along the way so I could get sick some more.

I had an allergic reaction to the codeine which made my eyes nearly swell shut and I had some awesome Angelina Jolie lips going on. Today my face is finally just a little red and swollen after taking benedryl every 6 hours for the last 2 days. *Sigh*

I saw my OB today (finally). She says the pain probably isn't even from the fibroid and that I just have to get used to it somehow and was completely unconcerned about anything that went on this weekend. I'm kind of annoyed with her since she kept comparing me to another patient who had a 40cm fibroid. Yes, my fibroid is only 5cm or so but like the nurse said today maybe it's sitting on a nerve. I don't know, I'm just annoyed and tired of being in pain so bad 24/7 that I can't do hardly anything without being doubled over. Hopefully the pain will let up soon...

On the up side we get to find out the sex on October 24th so I can't wait for that. This is going to be the longest month ever!

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