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Joined Jun. 27, 2011 7:45pm

jkg9510's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 1, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

13 weeks 2 days
By jkg9510 » Posted Sep. 27, 2011 1:41pm - 470 views - 0 comments

How far along: 13 weeks 2 days

How Big is the Baby: almost 4 inches

New/Changed Symptoms: Heartburn, Feeling like I can't get a deep breath, nasal congestion, Forever peeing, Can't sleep past 3 am

Emotions: Happy, getting more excited and confident

Something Funny That Happened: I asked my dog if he thinks it's a boy or a girl then I repeated boy...girl and barked at boy lol And totally unrelated to pregnancy, my husband came home on Sunday and threw his sweatshirt on our kitchen table quickly because (TMI) he had to poop. I was laying down trying to sleep at the time. All of a sudden, our smoke alarm goes off. Stupid me, instead of checking for a fire, I turn off the smoke alarm first, then walk into the kitchen and see his sweatshirt on fire on the kitchen table!!! I start screaming and instead of getting the fire extinguisher, I get a cup and start filling it up with water to dump on the fire! Meanwhile, my husband comes running into the kitchen with his butt hanging out of his pants and quickly takes the flaming sweatshirt outside (butt still exposed for the neighborhood to see) and puts out the fire with the extinguisher. Apparently, he didn't see the candle I had burning on the kitchen table in his rush to get to the bathroom. My kitchen table now has scorch marks and all we can do is laugh hysterically about it. Oh, and thank heaven for smoke alarms!

Best moment of the Week: My hubby kissed my belly last night for the first time. Also, my sister-in-law lent me her fetal doppler (AngelSounds by Jumper Medical..pretty affordable, less than $50) so I tried it out, and searched for about 10 minutes (pretty scary that first time!). I found my heartbeat which was really slow and steady and then I came upon this fast little thump-thump-thump and felt relief wash over me. I was worried because normally I see my doctor every 2 weeks, but last time she said she wanted to push it to 3 weeks because everything seemed really normal. I was also worried because we announced our pregnancy on facebook

Movement: Still unsure, I guess.

Maternity Clothes: Still in my regular clothes. Somedays, if I wear my fave jeans that were super tight even before I was pregnant, I need my belly band. I also have been wearing this wonderful black maternity hooded wrap-sweater from Old Navy, it's so comfy and probably one of favorite articles of clothing at the moment.

Weight: Up 3 lbs! wooo!

Food cravings: Chicken and Wild Rice Soup in a Bread Bowl from Panera. Hopefully on our shopping trip Thursday my momma will think it sounds good too!

Food aversions: mmm, nothing really, but the process of getting up and fixing myself something really turns me off

What I Miss: Nothing, I'm really cherishing being pregnant and thankful for this little person in my belly, no matter what I've had to give up for a while.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Getting new carpet put in the spare bedroom, then it will officially be called "the baby's room." After that I'll paint (or have it painted) the trim and closet doors (our house is a little on the outdated side), and tape up the rest of the room for when we find out the sex! WhichIi'm looking forward to more than anything at this point! AHHH.

Milestone: 2nd trimester!! Found the baby's heartbeat myself, and I think I may have started slipping down the nesting slope.

Question(s): None this week, but these dream are getting outta control! They're not scary anymore, but they're getting funnier! The other night I dreamt that I took off my bra in front of my bathroom mirror and started squirting milk everywhere!!!!

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