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Joined Jan. 10, 2013 9:22am

sassysacha's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 2, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 45 years old
Location: Canada

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YAY a cold!!
By sassysacha » Posted May. 29, 2013 10:16am - 180 views - 1 comment

So I am in heaven right now for two reasons. 1~ My HPT are so dark!! 2~ I have a nasty cold!! Yes I said a nasty cold and I am happy about it. Weird I know but this means things are moving in the right direction. I am so tired and can hardly breathe, my sinuses have a lot of pressure and blowing my runny nose every two minute and it is all good!!

Next Tues I will going in to see Dr Hottie too. Sure does make it feel real. I can't wait to hear what my hCG number are as well.

Also do you believe in this happen in sequences? I do. My angels and I have a great relationship!! They know that I have asked them to help me with a girl. So they also know that I am hoping for some proof that this is it! 20 weeks is a long time to wait. They also know how impatient I am LOL. Anyways since I have found out I am PG I have had two articles come to me giving me proof that this just very well be a girl. First one someone gave me was about what side a girl/boy will implant on. With great accuracy they said that their findings were that a girl will implant on the left and boy on the right. I have been having pinches, pulls and cramps only on the left. To have some proof I talked to a friend that had fraternal twins her girl was on the left and the boy on the right. How cool is that. Next article than came to me talking about an accurate study that mentions that female fetuses have a higher hCG count then males. To give me proof of this I have a couple other mommies of many say they too got late BFP's with their boys and earlier ones with girls!! Depending on how you look at it I found out I was PG as early as 8-9DPO. It is also three times as dark as it was from my last BFP cycle. So my HPT are getting a lot darker faster than last time. This really has made me at ease. It is a great feeling that your angels will work that hard to prove to you things!!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from MillerbabyThree » Posted May. 29, 2013 2:10pm
Please keep us updated and I do hope u start to feel better soon! :)

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