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Joined Jun. 27, 2011 7:45pm

jkg9510's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 1, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

14 w 2 d
By jkg9510 » Posted Oct. 4, 2011 9:57am - 495 views - 0 comments

How far along: 14 weeks 2 days

How Big is the Baby: 4.5 inches

New/Changed Symptoms: feeling really good this week

Emotions: happy, in fact my husband tells everyone that this is the happiest he's ever seen me.

Something Funny That Happened this week: nothing so far

Best moment of the Week: Hubby has been very sweet and talks about my belly all the time. Last night we went with one of his friends a few towns over to a farm supply store. I sat in the backseat in the middle and my husband turned around, looked at me and says to his friend "Look at how cute she is sitting back there with her belly!" It was so sweet.

Movement: STILL unsure, I feel something, but who knows what it really is.

Maternity Clothes: I have to wear my belly band with all my jeans now. Most of my shirts still fit, and the maternity shirts I have are still pretty long. I need to get some good camis because the ones I have now have a shelf bra built in and the elastic is starting to really hurt. I also am in search of come really comfy granny panties, HA!

Weight: At the doctor the other day I was 116, and they said it was the same as my last appointment 3 weeks prior.

Food cravings: nothing really, just food!

Food aversions: none

What I Miss: nothing, I'm still feeling extremely thankful for this little baby and that happiness is making it easy to forget anything else!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender and the anatomy ultrasound, hopefully everything is where it should be and measuring right.

Milestone: not being able to button my regular jeans!

Question(s): None this week

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