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Joined Jul. 1, 2011 12:02pm

NewMommy07's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 7, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old
Location: Riverton, United States

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My Journal

19 Weeks
By NewMommy07 » Posted Oct. 13, 2011 1:15pm - 195 views - 3 comments

How far along: 19 weeks 1 day

How Big is the Baby: About 10 inches and the size of a mango!

New/Changed Symptoms: Bending over has become incredibly uncomfortable and hurts to do!

Emotions: I have turned into a water facet crying at everything and getting angry pretty easily. It's a roller-coaster around here!

Something Funny That Happened: My husband didn't believe that my nips were way bigger. I showed him and he was completely shocked....his expression was priceless lol

Best moment of the Week: Getting to hear the heartbeat on Monday at the doctor! Wasn't a planned visit so it was a nice bonus.

Movement: Kicking mostly at night when I lay down and feels like Nugget is rolling around in there.

Maternity Clothes: In desperate need of some but extremely low on funds. Using a hair tie to hold my jeans together until I can find some that are my size and affordable!

Weight: As of Monday I lost another .5lbs. Down a total of 16lbs...wondering if I'll ever gain anything back!

Food cravings: Rice crispie treats and breakfast food of any kind.

Food aversions: Red meat...bleck!

What I Miss: Feeling like a sane person lol

What I'm Looking Forward To: My best friend's baby shower next weekend.

Milestone: None this week.

Question(s): Is it really important to get a flu shot while pregnant? I had no idea and my OB hasn't said a word about it.

Have bump pics but I just haven't uploaded them yet!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from NewMommy07 » Posted Oct. 15, 2011 10:11pm
Oh, wow thanks for the answer guys!! I'll talk to my OB about it when I see her on the 24th for sure.

Comment from allioak » Posted Oct. 14, 2011 9:33am
I was encouraged to get it by my doctor, as it can be pretty rough on a pregnant woman and her baby if she gets it. I just went to my pharmacy and they did it right then.

Comment from pookerdooks » Posted Oct. 14, 2011 6:51am
I'm not a doctor, but I am a medical student and I would say yes about the flu shot. The flu is one illness that can be potentially harmful to the baby if you should catch it and you are more vulnerable to it while pregnant. Just make sure you tell your doctor or pharmacist (whoever gives you the vaccine) that you are pregnant. They have a special kind just for pregnant women that is preservative free and the virus is entirely killed. If anyone tries to give you the kind you inhale through your nose you should go elsewhere as that kind is definitely not suitable for pregnant women. Hope that helps :)

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