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Joined Jun. 27, 2011 7:45pm

jkg9510's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 1, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

16 weeks 2 days
By jkg9510 » Posted Oct. 18, 2011 11:03am - 359 views - 0 comments

How far along: 16 weeks 2 days

How Big is the Baby: 5 in?

New/Changed Symptoms: been bordering on sick the last few days. I can't eat a full meal without feeling like I'm stuffing myself. Extremely tired, I started my new/old job last week in additition to working at the salon so I'm a little pooped!

Emotions: I have been a little moody and weepy lately

Something Funny That Happened this week: We asked my nephew what he would like to name his new cousin, he replied "Farmer!" Also, I've been asking little kids what they think I'm having and they all say boy. I've heard that little kids "just know," and while there's no evidence to back it up, it is still funny to me that they all say boy!

Best moment of the Week: I felt a hard little kick Sunday night, and I'm 100% sure that that is what it was

Movement: I felt little flutters for the last week and a half but like I said, Sunday I felt a for-sure kick. It was wonderful!

Maternity Clothes: I need maternity clothes to fit my belly but they are so loose everywhere else. I bought a size 2 in maternity dress pants (I'm normally a size 4/6) And they are very baggy. My favorite jeans won't button but sag on my butt and thighs. More on that in the Weight section. I also bought some BIG OL' GRANNY PANTIES at target the other day and my butt cheeks are rejoicing. HAHA!

Weight: I saw a different doctor last week and he seemed concerned with my weight. My doctor has never once mentioned it so he broke it down for me: At my intake appt in August I weighed 120, then at my first U/S I weighed 124. In September, I was down 8 lbs to 116, and last week I was at 114. He said as long as I'm eating right and not overdoing the exercise (I assured him that the most exercise I get is walking my dog every other day) that everything is fine. However he warned me that if I lose any more weight or get close to 30 weeks with no significant gain that they will be concerned. I ate healthfully before but by no means have I ever deprived myself or "tried" to lose weight. So now I feel like I have to shovel it in. My MIL told me when she was pregnant with my husband she was so active (she was a senior in high school and still danced on the dance team!) that she only gained 9 lbs. My husband was born healthy and 7 or so lbs so that makes me feel a little better. Also, my mom only gained 17 lbs with me so maybe it's genetic.

Food cravings: Smarties Candy, I bought a bag for trick-or-treaters and I'm afraid they won't be getting any of it!

Food aversions: none

What I Miss: going out to dinner with my hubby and having a cocktail.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender and the anatomy ultrasound, hopefully everything is where it should be and measuring right.

Milestone: feeling baby move.


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