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KenpoMommy's Pregnancy

My Due Date: January 23, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 49 years old

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More ultrasounds...
By KenpoMommy » Posted Nov. 8, 2013 2:59pm - 259 views - 3 comments

I went for my 29 week prenatal appt today and according to the dr scale and records, im not just failing to gain enough weight, i'm now losing it. That, combined with the stomach pain made him decide to do more ultrasounds. One to take measurements of the baby, instead of just measuring my tummy, and one to look at my gallbladder, because of the intense stomach pain i've been having, and because of the severe vomiting episode i had saturday night. He wants to make sure my eating and weight issues aren't affecting the baby's growth. My belly is still measuring right on target but he says the only way to know for sure if the baby is too, is to do an u/s and take measurements of the baby himself. I'm glad he's going to check the baby's growth because i've been a little worried about that, but i can't help feeling like i'm doing something wrong, or not enough, because of the weight issue. I'll feel better after the u/s when i see everything is ok... hopefully...

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from KenpoMommy » Posted Nov. 10, 2013 1:50am
The high fat foods bother me but mostly it's just the intense pain i have in that area after i eat. Both of my parents have had gallbladder problems. My dad had to have his out on an emergency basis, and then got so sick because it had ruptured, that he was on life support for 3 days after the surgery. My mom is having hers out right after my baby shower in a couple weeks. This latest vomiting episode is actually the first time I've ever thrown up during any of my pregnancies. Up until now, none of the stomach issues I've had involved vomiting. Just severe reflux and the bad pain. The sudden bout of vomiting was what made my dr decide we need to investigate further, since that isn't normal for me during pregnancy. During my last pregnancy, they had to look at my gallbladder because of some pain i was having and it looked fine then, no stones or anything. But the pain i was having then was nothing even close to what it is now! I guess i'll see...

Comment from Bostonmama08 » Posted Nov. 9, 2013 9:08am
Keep us posted on your u/s! Gallbladder issues are common in pregnancy and can be easily adjusted with diet (depending on if you have stones or not). Are there any foods that seem to trigger your stomach pain? I have a "slow leaking" gallbladder, so I have to watch myself on the fatty, oily foods.

Comment from sassysacha » Posted Nov. 8, 2013 7:50pm
I too am glad that he will be looking more into both of you. Too bad it had to wait so long to do so.

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