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Joined Jul. 1, 2011 12:02pm

NewMommy07's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 7, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old
Location: Riverton, United States

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My Journal

20 Weeks
By NewMommy07 » Posted Oct. 24, 2011 4:28pm - 178 views - 0 comments

How far along: 20 weeks 5 days

How Big is the Baby: The size of a cantaloupe and 13oz.

New/Changed Symptoms: Nothing new, still just a crying mess that can't sleep lol

Emotions: Still having my daily breakdowns of crying jags over silly things.

Something Funny That Happened: Went for our gender scan and the baby just crossed it's legs and waved at us. It was funny and aggravating all at the same time! Now we have to wait 4 more weeks to try again *sigh*

Best moment of the Week: Seeing Nugget again, especially now that baby looks like a baby!

Movement: Lots of kicking! DH is upset because he can't feel it yet and now we know why since the placenta is anterior.

Maternity Clothes: Finally found a pair of jeans at JC Penney! So nice to not be squished anymore.

Weight: Gained 2lbs back from all the weight I've lost since the beginning. Doctor is happy with that, so I am too.

Food cravings: Still rice crispie treats and breakfast food.

Food aversions: Red meat doesn't always agree with me....especially if I smell it raw.

What I Miss: Not being on an emotional roller-coaster!

What I'm Looking Forward To: November 23rd when we get to try for the gender again. Not looking forward to the long wait though!

Milestone: Got our crib put together and the nursery is starting to sort of take shape.

Question(s): Anyone else have so much trouble finding out the gender? We've tried twice now and I really think we won't know until I have the baby lol

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