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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 3:00pm

acrichton's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 28, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

By acrichton » Posted Nov. 26, 2013 11:24am - 232 views - 2 comments

Just got my third beta back today! It was 1495, which means doubling time was 46.5 hours, I'll take it!

No symptoms to speak of, a little bit of light cramping, and sore boobs if I touch them. Thats about it! I would welcome morning sickness, but it can wait till after Thanksgiving if it wants to!!

We are waiting to tell Phil's parents till Christmas to do our big Christmas surprise, plus they were crushed last time when things didn't work out, so we would like to be more "sure". My mom already knows, as long as my cousin and assistant. My cousin is basically my best friend in the world, I tell her everything, and my assistant needed to know so he can be ready to jump in should things "go sour". My boss wont know till week 7 or 8 after the U/S.

We are planning to tell my dad when they come in for Thanksgiving from California, because they will be VERY suspicious when they see me not drinking any alcohol all weekend (my dads side are big party animals), so not drinking will be a dead give-a-way. Its ok they can party away, ill drive the drunk bus around for everyone.

I called my dad and told him I wanted to go get a Christmas tree together with him and my stepmom. He was not as jazzed as I expected, but he is a southern Californian and they don't really go places to cut down trees lol! So this should be fun. Lets hope he brings some warm clothes this time, as last time he didn't really even pack enough jeans or long sleeve shirts!

At least them being here will keep my busy until next week!


Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from dakotagurrl » Posted Nov. 26, 2013 3:13pm
I am mentally high fiving u! Thats great news!! I'm glad ur able to relax a little more now and enjoy the pregnancy...eat some cookies lol!! =))

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Nov. 26, 2013 11:50am
Awe yay! So glad everything is looking better. I'm so anxious for my first ultrasound in 2 weeks. I'll be 8w1d. It's so nerve wracking going all this time with nothing at all. Not even betas. I hope your thanksgiving is wonderful!

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