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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 3:00pm

acrichton's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 28, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

United Airlines- YOU SUCK
By acrichton » Posted Dec. 14, 2013 10:48am - 212 views - 2 comments

So my DH is supposed to fly in from China to DC then from DC to NYC. However, there is a snow storm passing through so the flight was cancelled from DC to NYC, leaving my husband in DC.. When he went to the United kiosk to ask the what he will do, and if they can get him on another flight, they told him allt he flights were booked and there was nothing they could do. Really? Are you kidding me? NOTHING?

So I called the emergency company travel agency number and a nice lady got me an amtrak train for my husband, and a car service from Penn station to take him home. This all took place at 4am by the way. BUT my DH was really happy and excited to hear that he only has to get through one flight, stay in a hotel overnight in DC then head home by train. I am happy he doesn't have to worry now and that it was resolved. Thats my DH and I will fight a bear to make sure he gets home to his family!!

Needless to say, the cats are patiently awaiting their dad lol!

Felt like CRAP this morning, had to eat cheerios because my nausea has bad. thankfully no puke! Yay! Still puke free, but I have a feeling I can't escape forever :/

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Dec. 15, 2013 12:12am
I've avoided puking by breathing through it slowly and sipping very cold water and splashing it on my face and forehead. It's so bad. :/

Comment from jennavee » Posted Dec. 14, 2013 12:59pm
That's horrible!! I would definitely file a complaint with United!! I'm glad he's getting home though!

As for the nausea, with my son, I had horrible nausea the whole first trimester, and the second if I didn't keep something in my tummy...only really threw up like 2 times though. I hope you can avoid puking!

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