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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 3:00pm

acrichton's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 28, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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How much is too much??
By acrichton » Posted Dec. 20, 2013 9:11am - 219 views - 3 comments

I'm off work today, so naturally I am spending my day cleaning. I had to put some luggage away upstairs, take out trash, and wrap some large gifts. Started to get winded bc I was running around and scared myself. Now I am parked on the couch. How much is too much work when it comes to lifting things and cleaning?? I also pushed a resident up the ramp yesterday and was like, can I do that?? I'm not the biggest couch potato but I am not a gym rat either, I'm a mild excerciser and always cleaning or moving around. Who knows what's safe, guess when I feel tired I need to chill and take a rest.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Bammom » Posted Dec. 21, 2013 8:34am
I always heard a good rule of thumb is if you did it regularly before you were pregnant then it is still safe to do while pregnant. For example I regularly lift my 40lb son so I still do it, but only because I don't feel pulling or strain when I lift him. As for cleaning definitely rest when you feel tired and listen to your body :) It's ok to let hubby do most of the cleaning and you only take care of the light or easy things! Enjoy your pregnancy and watching others take care of you for a change! If your hubby doesn't quite get that he should be helping more, then just tell him you need help. "I need help" are 3 magical words that all preggo ladies should say regularly :)

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Dec. 20, 2013 10:21am
I agree with jennavee. Don't wear yourself out. When you feel tired or over-worked, take a rest. Don't try to do anything too strenuous or lift anything crazy heavy.

Comment from jennavee » Posted Dec. 20, 2013 10:06am
Most of the time the restrictions put on pregnant women are not because it could hurt the baby, but because you can end up straining something. My doctor said to listen to my body. If it feels uncomfortable, stop, if I feel tired, rest, etc.

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