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Joined Nov. 16, 2013 11:17am

renc23's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 4, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old
Location: Salmon arm BC, Canada

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been away for alittle bit hubby had my comp... how you doing??
By renc23 » Posted Dec. 22, 2013 1:59pm - 387 views - 1 comment

how are all my bump buddies doing? I have been away for abit hubby had my comp so didn't get on here ... I am good 12 weeks 2 days almost to the SECOND TRIMESTER!!! lol seems to be going quick all of a sudden... I had my first full prenatal exam on fri had a bit of a scare the doc had a very hard time finding the babys heartbeat I was in tears by the time she did finally for a few seconds I will go back in a couple weeks to check it again she also set up a specialist appointment to talk about my pregnancy history to see how much more monitoring they will do... I am also going in tomorrow to get tested for gestational diabetes so that's a bit worrisome :( ... anyways I have had sooo much going on in my life between stress with family work home life my pregnancy and also just finding out last week my MIL is battling breast cancer and is going in for her second surgery to have what they found again removed but its also spread to her lymph nodes so it is not looking to good so my hubby and his family are really having a hard time ... but I am trying my hardest to remain positive so I can be as stress free as I possibly can for my own sanity and for baby too.... that's my update in a nutshell lol ....

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Dec. 23, 2013 8:21am
Gosh, that sounds like a lot of stress on you. I hope things start looking up soon! We all need to stay as positive and stress free as possible for these bebes!

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