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Joined Nov. 21, 2013 6:12pm

megan_wynne's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 31, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 36 years old
Location: East Grand Forks, United States

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My Journal

Now I'm Nervous!
By megan_wynne » Posted Dec. 31, 2013 7:30pm - 339 views - 0 comments

At my appointment yesterday, they drew blood to send away for various tests including anemia and HIV. Well, I got a phone call from the doctor this afternoon and she's got me very nervous!

She told me my blood type is O negative, but that my body has already developed antibodies. She double checked if I had been pregnant before, which I haven't. She also checked to see if I had ever had any blood transfusions or been poked by a needle. I haven't had a transfusion or been poked so she couldn't explain why I would be developing antibodies so early.

From what I understand, if the baby has a different blood type, that's when my body developed antibodies, but it sounds like that doesn't happen as early as it has with me. So, they have to blood test my husband and go from there. My doctor mentioned that they may have to send me to a nearby town for further tests/treatment.

She did mention that because we saw baby on the ultrasound yesterday and the heart was beating, things are okay for now and we will just have to keep watching the antibodies, but I am so nervous now! I don't want to lose this baby, especially since I got to see it and it's so much more real!!

Anybody have any experience with antibodies during pregnancy?

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