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Krod0519's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 14, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 41 years old

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My Journal

emotional vent
By Krod0519 » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 3:44pm - 356 views - 5 comments

Ok i will say these pregnancy hormones have really kicked in and now I am so emotional. I am every crying at everything, or mad, or irritated ALL THE TIME!!!! I read this horrible sad story at work today about a little girl who was three years old and her dresser fell on her and her parents found her dead, it was the mother's retelling of it, I literally could not stop crying. Even before I would cry, but today I was a wreck. After the crying spell subsided I managed to pretend like I got some work done. Then lunch time came around and I really wanted to have lunch with my honey. We work together. And the times we have been to lunch together I can count on one hand, he is usually gone or out of the office. Anyways, today i was really hinting at wanting to have lunch and the minute he got back to the office he turned around and left with the guys, like normal. I was hurt, it hurts my feelings A LOT! I am the only women in the office and all the men are like a little clique, they all have lunch together, there are a few groups of them but everyone has a buddy except me.. it sucks. I just got upset and he started texting me and I turned on the cold bitch front. I am really good at that when I am upset, I am not a yeller or anything, I just turn ice cold.
So I needed to vent, rant, I am still hurt and i feel like sometimes it would be really nice if he could make the effort with me, after all I am pregnant with his child, the least he could do is make time once every few weeks to take me to lunch. And now I want to cry again.. Pitty party for one right here!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 9:52pm
Well, I'm sorry but that made me laugh because I've been such a nut job and sometimes it helps to hear others go through the emotional side of pregnancy because I start to worry if I'm the only one. I don't turn to cold bitch, though I turn into satan. I hope things seem better for you tomorrow;).

Comment from Jessie22 » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 8:48pm
I read that post too - so so sad! I haven't hit the emotional phase yet, but I can totally understand how you feel wanting your honey to get your hint and he just doesn't. It stinks not having a buddy at work, too. Hugs for you!

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 7:27pm
I cried reading that post too. It was so freaking sad. I am pretty emotional these past few days too, with having to leave my mom and come back home. Ugh.

Comment from AngieT » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 5:04pm
I am glad your pregnancy is going well and I am sorry that your honey is not being considerate. I have found that the best path in those circumstances is to tell him the truth. Playing cold only causes hurt and being up front can save you both some hard emotional struggle, especially you since you are a bundle of pregnancy idiot (that is what I call pregnancy emotions). I wish you the best.. I am praying for you and your little buddy..

Comment from kimmy85 » Posted Jan. 7, 2014 5:02pm
ohhhh!!! This is sad! What a crappy afternoon! I hope your dad got better from there! Men can suck.. ALOT.. sometimes! they just don't get that sometimes all we need is for them to be by us! that's it! no in-depth conversations or sappy crap just to have them next to us! sending you hugs!! Just snuggle your bug tonight ;)

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