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Joined Jun. 27, 2011 7:45pm

jkg9510's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 1, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

18 weeks
By jkg9510 » Posted Oct. 30, 2011 9:31pm - 352 views - 1 comment

How far along: 18 weeks

How Big is the Baby: 10 inches head to toe

New/Changed Symptoms: breast growth, tightness in belly, hungerrrr

Emotions: Happy, anxious for gender scan

Something Funny That Happened this week: I got hit on, not once, but twice at a halloween party on saturday. They were both drunk old men, and I was wearing my oven costume! I didn't get hit on before I was pregnant so this was strange, but hey, kinda makes me feel like I still got it, HA!

Best moment of the Week: Setting up our anatomy scan for Novmeber 21st, a lot sooner than I thought, and meeting my best friend's brand new baby, Cooper. So presh!

Movement: kicking, kicking, kicking and some swirling around too.

Maternity Clothes: I bought some maternity jeans and a maternity cami. The jeans are super comfy but very baggy through the hips. My mother assures me that I'll fill them out very soon. Gotta love her.

Weight: 1 lb gain! yaaay

Food cravings: my father in law deep-friend a turkey on Saturday and it was WONDERFUL. My mouth is watering thinking of it

Food aversions: nothing

What I Miss: being comfortable

What I'm Looking Forward To: Anatomy Scan, seeing our little guy or gal, our hospital does the 3D ultrasound so we should get to see who it looks like too!

Milestone: Kind of an abstract milestone but I've felt closer and more connected to baby this week.


Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from allioak » Posted Nov. 1, 2011 9:47am
The hunger is good! You can start gaining back your weight! Yay!

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