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Joined Jan. 11, 2014 12:48pm

mydarlingqueen's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 31, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 31 years old

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My Journal

8 weeks today
By mydarlingqueen » Posted Jan. 19, 2014 11:01pm - 267 views - 6 comments

This week has totally gone into overdrive with the nausea! My stomach is doing flip all day long and I will crave something, turn around and make it, and then can't stand the smell or sight of it! Gah! I totally don't remember this with my first! Oh! On a better note. I can JUST (barely) feel the top of my hard rounded uterus, but only when standing up! I was pretty sure that didn't usually happen until week 12, but idk how it goes with your second baby and if that part happens soon than that. Lamely, I have my U/S time down on my countdown, which is 2 days 8 hours and 20 minutes. :) I'm so anxious and excited for the ultrasound, and I'm just hoping everything is A okay- although the severe nausea is making me feel better in that part. I just get so mad when I hear all these other women having super awesome doctors that set appointments, like ultrasounds, more than once, and mine didn't WANT to give me one at 8 weeks. They ONLY give one at 20 weeks. I have insurance, and I don't mind using it for a few ultrasounds, so I don't know why they have to be so stubborn about it! Okay my ranting is done. :)

A side note. My son has, for the second time this week, gone to bed far earlier than normal and is probably going to be up all night. I should have taken a nap when he fell asleep but instead I found myself watching a few episodes of Merlin and reading pregnancy articles. I'm such a procrastinator.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mydarlingqueen » Posted Jan. 22, 2014 3:30pm
Wow that's crazy, so sorry you couldn't work around it :( Hopefully 20 weeks will come quick for you, so you can finally see your little one :)

Comment from kaylia2oo5 » Posted Jan. 22, 2014 10:19am
I tried going to the ER and doing that- I waited 5 hrs for the first Doctor and I had to leave because my 14m old wouldn't settle for my sitter. The second time, the Doctor gave me a line of BS about how they wouldn't be able to see ANYTHING on an ultrasound (this was exactly a week ago at 7w4d). I tried telling him that was BS, but no way would he do one!

Comment from mydarlingqueen » Posted Jan. 20, 2014 9:52pm
ELuria, don't worry about the no-nausea part! My doctor says that it has nothing to do with miscarriage. 20-30% of people are lucky to not have morning sickness during pregnancy! I know it's worrisome, but you'll start to feel pregnant soon! The chance of miscarriage after seeing the heartbeat already, it DRAMATICALLY decreases to under 5% once you are 8 weeks and even less if you hear a heartbeat then! You are going to hear a lot of miscarriage stores on forums, which makes it scary, but they are really only a very small percent, most being under the 8 week mark!

Comment from Eluria88 » Posted Jan. 20, 2014 1:49pm
Even seeing my baby's heartbeat on Friday, I'm nervous it's quit beating or something. I haven't had any morning sickness at all and a lot of people have told me that no morning sickness is a sign of miscarriage. Why would someone tell me that? Not sure. But I just wake up every morning hoping I feel sick but I never do. I don't even feel pregnant. Any day now I think I'm going to cramp up and bleed.

Comment from mydarlingqueen » Posted Jan. 20, 2014 1:41pm
gosh that sucks! I'd probably end up going to the ER or something and saying I'm super worried, and seeing if they'd provide an ultrasound or not. :( I wish they'd understand that when you're pregnant, worry is your top priority! There's no way NOT to worry! :(

Comment from kaylia2oo5 » Posted Jan. 20, 2014 4:46am
The doctors here are the same- they won't do an ultrasound until 20 weeks. We live in Canada, so we can't even offer to pay for an extra one! It's super frustrating- I've been worried about miscarriage, and an ultrasound would ease my mind 100 times over but no way! Grr!

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