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Joined Jan. 9, 2014 12:45pm

greeneyes's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 5, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 35 years old
Location: United States

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Hunger Pangs V.S Morning Sickness
By greeneyes » Posted Jan. 23, 2014 1:33pm - 207 views - 7 comments

I don't know what's worst. Being so hungry that It feels like I haven't eaten in days? Or being so sick I immediately vommit? Today I seem to have a craving for hurt burn. This morning I picked at a plate with chili chesse fries, few minutes later (barf)
And this afternoon I decided to have a beef paty, left my system instantly. So of course now I'm starving. I have no clue what I should eat. (Help!)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from greeneyes » Posted Jan. 24, 2014 1:36pm
Omg! 38 weeks!! That must of been awful. I don't want mines to last any second longer or at least past the first trimester! Definitely amazing all the changes om going through due to my lil human!

Comment from Eluria88 » Posted Jan. 23, 2014 5:07pm
Yuck I had that with my first I had all day sickness through 37 weeks, then he was born at 38 weeks so I have 1 week I wasnt sick. Then I had severe preeclampsia and had to be induced and the IV made me puke while I was pushing him out it was awful. I hope yours doesn't last that long.

Comment from Jessie22 » Posted Jan. 23, 2014 3:57pm
Ugh, that's just the worst! So sorry you have HG! It's amazing how something so small can TOTALLY throw off your body in such a big way.

Comment from greeneyes » Posted Jan. 23, 2014 2:47pm
Thanks Ladies! Jello sounds yummy! And I've tried everything! Soup, Ginger, crackers before I get up (in the middle of the night) cheese, apples,
the list goes on. And I also eat small meals throughout the day. I was diagnosed with
hyperemesis gravidarium :( I was given medicine but when I read that the side effects including nausea and vomiting I stoppped taking them

Comment from Jessie22 » Posted Jan. 23, 2014 2:15pm
Hey girl! I know exactly how you feel. I've been able to keep my nausea at a somewhat steady level (meaning I don't want to throw up every second) by eating small, bland food pretty frequently. If I start to feel nauseous I know it's time to eat something else or drink a lot more water. The one thing that has really helped is I have to get up 30 minutes earlier, have plain cheerios by the bed and eat them while slowly working myself into an upright sitting position. My diet has unfortunately consisted of potatoes, cheerios, toast (aka all carbs) but I've been able to function so I'll take it.

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Jan. 23, 2014 2:12pm
I was eating junk like crazy in the beginning, and now that I'm a little further along, I'm starting to notice that I can't eat near as much as I did before. Just little bits at a time. When I do eat, I start to feel nauseous and have to stop. Try eating smaller meals/snacks more often throughout the day. Crackers to snack on. Toast. The Jello thing sounds like a good idea.

Comment from Eluria88 » Posted Jan. 23, 2014 2:00pm
I've found that Jello really helps calm my stomach. I think it just brings up my sugar levels and eases the queasiness. It also isn't terrible to throw up and if a certain flavor reminds you of puking you can use a different flavor lol. Apple juice has a similar effect. Try to pick really mild foods while youre feeling sick like soups that have few ingredients like tomato or the creamy soups. Toast has worked for me as well with only butter on it. In the past I have had good luck with a slim-fast shake in the morning but beware you can gain weight if you use them as more than breakfast. I used to have one then go have regular breakfast and I gained like 60lbs haha. I've also found eating LESS more often helps. I eat my main meals at 1/2 the portions I used to but also eat 6x the snacks during the day.

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