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chehowca's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 11, 2014
I have given birth!

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My Journal

Announced on Facebook...
By chehowca » Posted Jan. 27, 2014 2:37am - 207 views - 1 comment

Holy crap. Well, the facebook world now knows. I've been scared to announce, but it is done. In my head I know that it is not very likely that anything will go wrong and that I won't be able to hide my belly for very much longer. I almost wished I could have waited until 20 weeks, but then that would have been silly. What difference would 4 more weeks make?? I'm just a worrywart. I guess feeling the little butterflies and popcorn changed my mind. YES! MOVEMENT!!!

I told my 94 year old Chucha (Great Aunt) about the pregnancy. She was so happy. She admonished me not to lift a thing. She also lamented that she hopes she's alive to see what it ends up being. Love her, such a pragmatic woman. I should probably just learn that lesson from her already!

DS' birthday went smashingly well. I even got my face painted by the face painter. All of the children played together wonderfully and cooperatively. There was no need for any intervention at all. DS even remembered his manners (mostly by himself...) I love that kid to bits. The snack table went over fabulously. It was adorable to watch 8 preschoolers serve themselves and try and make food decisions. Strawberries, cheese, crackers and cheetos ended up being the clear favorites. The cake was an absolute hit! I have to admit, the pull apart cake is just brilliant. DS is now cuddled up in bed with his favorite new toy... a Jengo Fett spaceship.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Jessie22 » Posted Jan. 27, 2014 8:34am
Love the cartoon! :) Glad the Spiderman party was a hit!

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