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Joined Nov. 21, 2013 6:12pm

megan_wynne's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 31, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 36 years old
Location: East Grand Forks, United States

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My Journal

I'm not sure what to think...
By megan_wynne » Posted Feb. 1, 2014 8:55am - 303 views - 0 comments

So, since the last journal entry, they tested my husband's blood and he is also O negative so that does not explain why I am developing antibodies. My doctor didn't have much to say about why I had developed the antibodies because I think she wasn't 100% sure as to why I would have developed them. But, the thing she hadn't told me was that my titer (the term for the amount of antibodies in my blood) was 256 and it's supposed to be 16 or lower. She told me we would re-test at my 14 week appointment and if it was higher, she would send me to a maternal fetal specialist in Fargo (an hour from where we live right now). But, she had a baby so I am now seeing another doctor until she gets back from her maternity leave.

At my 14 week appointment, the new doctor clarified for us that my level was 256 and if it wasn't below 16, I would go to Fargo. This was a surprise for us. So, we got the phone call last night from the doctor saying that we would for sure have to go to Fargo to see the specialist. Our next appointment will be with that doctor.

I don't know what to think. The doctor referred to me as high-risk and that term just makes me nervous! I know that we need to see somebody who knows what they're doing and who has dealt with many of pregnancies similar to ours, but I don't know what exactly can happen so it's all a lot of unknowns right now!

But, I am doing my best to stay positive and remember that this is what's best for the baby! Wish me luck!!

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