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Joined Jan. 15, 2014 5:19pm

Amarylis13's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 27, 2014
I have given birth!

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new decision
By Amarylis13 » Posted Feb. 10, 2014 12:44pm - 183 views - 4 comments

I have decided to not keep my pregnancy a secret from my family I hate, but I am not going to tell them flat out either. I am going to do my announcement on facebook next month after my ultrasound and they can find out that way if they even pay attention to my posts.
I will be too busy for them as well. If my own Oma can not give me the time of day why should I give her any only when I am having a baby? I got to see her 3-4 times with my last pregnancy and birth because she wanted to see the baby and come to my wedding. Well that's not happening this time. Oh and she live in the same end of the city as me. I have called her to see if I can visit her and when would be best and had her practically tell me never. So I am not going out of my way for them and I am not keeping things a secret because of them. I just won't have time for them when they want to see me.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Amarylis13 » Posted Feb. 10, 2014 8:42pm
my mil already knows.....:( I wish mine would go away. I have come to the realization that she hates me for being with her son. She does anything and everything to be mean to me and then act like the victim when I stand up for myself. I asked for no religious baby gifts last time and she said my daughter was going to be terribly lonely and no one will see her. All because I didn't want a cross or a bible because I don't practice that.

Comment from Eluria88 » Posted Feb. 10, 2014 7:23pm
You're more generous than me, I'm keeping mine a secret until 20 weeks! Mostly because my MIL is intrusive and will call every 10 min and ask what I'm eating, if I took my vitamins, if "thats good for the baby", ask how I feel, try to bring me teas and homeopathic nausea remedies that make me sicker and forbid me from any physical activity to the point where I am expected to lay on the couch for 9 months and watch my muscles atrophy. No thanks!!!! I wish she wasn't interested.

Comment from dakotagurrl » Posted Feb. 10, 2014 3:23pm
Good for u! Dont make them a priority in ur life if ur just an option in theirs!! Stay strong, its their loss, not urs!! =))

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Feb. 10, 2014 12:54pm
I think that's a great decision. If people, especially family, can't make time for you when you're NOT pregnant, then why should you try to make time FOR THEM when you are.. just because you're pregnant? I can't stand band wagon people.

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