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Joined Jan. 15, 2014 5:19pm

Amarylis13's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 27, 2014
I have given birth!

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My Journal

By Amarylis13 » Posted Feb. 11, 2014 11:01pm - 186 views - 1 comment

I did so good last year, I thought I made a friend. I never see anyone since I became a mom. I have drifted away from almost everyone. I thought I would have so much time to see people being a stay at home mom. No one has time for me. I met a mom I liked last summer and she liked me. We hung out a lot then she rejoined the work force and I never see her or hear from her unless I contact her.
I can't "talk" to the few people in my life anymore since the two women I am close to have fertility problems and now I am pregnant again. I have social anxiety so I have a hard time meeting people and everyone I meet never reaches the friend zone before they are sick of me. Yes I am inked heavily. Yes I have lots of piercings. Yes I enjoy my hair being bright unnatural colours. But I also enjoy cooking, doing my nails, make up, reading, clothes shopping, going to the pool.
I am so tired of feeling alone. I was rejected in junior high by my entire school and never found out what I did wrong, if I did anything. I finally had a social life but now I know it was just because I had drinking buddies but not real buddies. If it wasn't for my mom I would have no one I could talk to like a friend. Yes I have my husband but I need someone else to talk to. I need someone I can go do friend things with. Maybe when my daughter is older she will fill this void......I never knew that living in a city I could still feel like I am on a farm in the middle of no where.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from sillychemist » Posted Feb. 12, 2014 7:10am
I know exactly how you feel. I recently moved to live in my husband's house & although it's not far it's too far for friends who have their own families. Plus everyone seems to be in new stages of their lives & that's kept everyone in their own world. It's good, but it makes me very lonesome lately & feeling just like you. FYI...I love love love bright unnatural colors. I want to get the dark red highlights. I like the chunky haircuts that go along with that style.

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