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Joined Jan. 15, 2014 5:19pm

Amarylis13's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 27, 2014
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My Journal

I miss
By Amarylis13 » Posted Feb. 13, 2014 11:59am - 154 views - 0 comments

I never was much of a girly girl. But I miss having that one girl friend I could do everything with. Gossip and shop. I miss my best friend but he has a gf and works full time. Happy for him and love his gf but I never get to see him anymore and we used to hang out weekly and always talk. I miss running into people in the mall and it turning into hanging out all day. I miss waking up and just thinking hey im going out today and going the the ave with all the neat shops. I miss going to concerts and having a life. When did becoming a mom mean we had to give up who we are? When did the positive test mean you couldn't just go out grab a coffee and explore the city? It wasn't a conscious chage. I didn't have people tell me I had to stop. Sure I can't drink and smoke right now. Yes I am happy I quit smoking but smoking didn't make me who I was. So why did everything change when I stopped? I miss feeling spontaneous. I miss doing my makeup as weird as ai wanted getting corsetted up and going out for the day. I miss being me.

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