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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 3:00pm

acrichton's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 28, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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Nesting bug has returned...but I have no nest, to um, nest in
By acrichton » Posted Feb. 22, 2014 7:20pm - 249 views - 3 comments

Well today the nesting bug came back. It happened in the verrrrry beginning of the pregnancy, before the BFP even happened. Low and behold, I was pregnant.

So now, my husband and I are in limbo, again. He applied for the job in Michigan, and I am now starting to look at the house as "how can we sell this place in two months", instead of lets decorate the nursery (currently a room that now has a decent amount of my husbands junk in it). I feel so unsettled. I want a place for my son to rest his head, and I want it as soon as possible.

My son.


So I have been cleaning and made my list of small fixes needed in the house, we have some big ones too. I need to figure out a color to paint the living room and new draperies to replace the outdated ones that came with the house. Our house is carpeted (yuck), so we need to steam clean them an make this place look as good as it can. Lots of stuff to do before we put this place on the market.

My husband is procrastinating because he doesn't want to get moving before he knows he has this job but I disagree with him, so I am being proactive and already deep DEEP cleaned the kitchen today. So much to do!

Went and did a little shopping. Got baby socks from baby gap and a little 0-3 month shirt and a gap fleece onesie thing. So cute. I am now in need of baby clothes hangers. Baby Crichton now has a little spot in my closet...I am glad to share until he has his own space. :)

Fingers crossed my husband gets call for an interview this week!


Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Krod0519 » Posted Feb. 24, 2014 3:55pm
moving and doing all this while pregnant is tough! I am in the same boat, although moving to a new state is WAY more of a challenge. So hats off to you lady :) We are putting offers in now, I would have never thought I could worry so much about a place to live but we need to nest!! lol fingers crossed for you guys!

Comment from jennavee » Posted Feb. 22, 2014 8:50pm
So exciting! I hope you have a place to nest soon!!!

Comment from MyluckyduckKara » Posted Feb. 22, 2014 7:28pm
<3 Everything will work out as it should!

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