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Joined Jun. 27, 2011 7:45pm

jkg9510's Pregnancy

My Due Date: April 1, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 34 years old

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My Journal

19 Weeks!
By jkg9510 » Posted Nov. 8, 2011 10:09am - 456 views - 3 comments

How far along: 19 weeks 2 days

How Big is the Baby: over 10 inches head to toe

New/Changed Symptoms: The skin around my belly button is starting to stretch and looks like parentheses around it, my belly button is shallower, maybe it's gonna start popping out soon? More hunger, Dreams about baby's gender and birth. Okay, I'm gonna say this and hopefully no one thinks I'm crazy! I feel like I have become slightly psychic with this pregnancy. Maybe it's women's/mother's intuition, but I "just knew" an acquaintance of mine was pregnant before her friend told me. My husband's parents' neighbor passed away a few days ago. The day he died I drove past their house before I knew of his passing and saw his wife pulling out of their driveway (I didn't see her face, but I think she had just found out, she was going to the high school to pick up their daughter and pull her out for the day) and I had a huge pang of sadness when I saw her. I found out hours later that he died that morning of a heart attack while working a state away. In all of my dreams, this baby has been a boy. I dreamt the other night that I went in for our anatomy scan and the tech said she didn't have time to tell us the gender of our baby. I started crying as we left and a different tech hugged me and said she'd perform another one for us to tell us. She did, and said it was a boy. She printed off pictures for us and in the "ultrasound" pictures were pictures of my son and of me holding him naked just after birth! AGH WEIRD!

Emotions: I've been experiencing some disbelief this week. Like thoughts of "Am I really pregnant? Maybe they're all playing a joke on me...Maybe I have some weird disorder with all of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy but I'm not actually pregnant." I feel ashamed to admit this because I'm almost halfway and I can feel the proof when it kicks me. I feel like it's all just too good to be true.

Something Funny That Happened this week: The older gentleman who we bought our new house from came into the bank I work at the other day. As far as I know, he doesn't know that I'm pregnant, but as he left he said "Lookin' good!" It was sweet. I think our "secret" is really officially out.

Best moment of the Week: Instead of getting laid off like we thought he would, my husband got More hours at work and even had to work on Saturday. It doesn't make me happy that he's not home as much, but we both feel a little relieved for a the extra money and for him being employed a little further into the fall. Usually he gets laid off around this time every year.

Movement: I feel like the babe has had a lazy week. He or she is still moving quite a bit, just not as rambunctiously as last week. I can't wait till they are strong enough for my husband to feel.

Maternity Clothes: Another pair of jeans and a flannel button up tunic. Everything is still a little baggy, but my regular clothes don't fit either. I have lots of growing to do, so baggy for now is okay.

Weight: Down 2 lbs at my last appt, but my doctor and I had a long talk about it and said she's not worried at all. She told me my diet is one of the best she's ever heard of a pregnant woman eating so that made me feel great.

Food cravings: anything, I'm hungry a lot in the afternoon before dinner for sweets

Food aversions: not much

What I Miss: Sleeping on my belly and back. I have tried both to see if they're still "doable", but it hurts to lay on my stomach and when I fall asleep on my back I wake up with numb hands!

What I'm Looking Forward To: our scan on the 21st to make sure baby is developing normally and to find out the gender. I also can't wait for my baby showers!

Milestone: I can't think of one this week!


Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from jkg9510 » Posted Nov. 10, 2011 8:14am
lol, isn't it nuts? There are some days I look at my belly and I'm like..."Mmm, no big change," then I see a side view and I'm in shock lol. It's truly amazing what your body can do. Thanks for the compliment on my picture!

Comment from allioak » Posted Nov. 10, 2011 7:49am
cute family picture btw!

Comment from allioak » Posted Nov. 10, 2011 7:49am
My belly button is much shallower already! It freaks me out every time I look down , and think "that's not my belly button!" Must get used to this...

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