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Joined Jul. 1, 2011 12:02pm

NewMommy07's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 7, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old
Location: Riverton, United States

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My Journal

22 Weeks
By NewMommy07 » Posted Nov. 8, 2011 8:21pm - 151 views - 0 comments

How far along: 22 weeks 6 days

How Big is the Baby: The size of a papaya or 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.

New/Changed Symptoms: Been having Braxton Hicks contractions since Friday night off and on and a little bit of cramping. The nurse banished me to bed for the next day or two so I can get them to settle down =/

Emotions: Still a crying mess!

Something Funny That Happened: Last night my little MinPin was standing up with her feet on my belly while I was sitting on the couch and the baby kicked. She must have felt it or sensed it or something cause she stopped and stared at my belly with her ears up and looked completely freaked out. It was pretty funny!

Best moment of the Week: DH getting to feel the baby kick finally on Saturday night. He was so happy.

Movement: Nugget has turned into a kicking machine! I felt him/her kick on the outside the first time at 22w1d and now I spend my morning when I first wake up with my hand on my belly feeling the kicks.

Maternity Clothes: I bought 5 new shirts and a pair of pants this week. 2 of the shirts went back because they fit me so weird so now I have a total of 2 pairs of pants and about 6 shirts.

Weight: Haven't been weighed this week! Probably won't weigh in until my 25 week appt.

Food cravings: Rice Krispie treats and the past few days it's been doughnuts, specifically white long johns and this strawberry doughnut from Wal-Mart bakery.

Food aversions: Tried this Progresso chicken and wild rice soup...omg it was bad! The rice had the texture of maggots or something to me and I just about threw it up everywhere on the first bite.

What I Miss: My hubby sleeping in bed with me! He sleeps on the couch a lot because he snores so bad and his CPAP machine is extremely loud. He refuses to keep me awake so he basically moved out of the bedroom :(

What I'm Looking Forward To: Might be optimistic but I'm looking forward to my belly button popping...tired of this weird B belly I have going on!

Milestone: Feeling the baby kick on the outside and buying paint for the nursery. Hoping to get it prepped and painted before this week is over.

Question(s): Anyone else have a lot of BHC this early on? It's kind of freaking me out a little!

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