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Joined Jan. 15, 2014 5:19pm

Amarylis13's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 27, 2014
I have given birth!

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dr appy not encouraging
By Amarylis13 » Posted Mar. 4, 2014 4:01pm - 266 views - 7 comments

I heard my daughters heartbeat around this time. I had a missed miscarriage before her and had a drs appt around this time and heard nothing. Today with the doppler was almost a repeat of the missed miscarriage. No heartbeat silence. Dr remarks on how small I am and then tells me maybe it is too early. I have done the entire thing before and it resulted in the fetus not growing past 8 weeks 5 days and then miscarrying at 13 weeks. The only difference this time is I had a dating ultrasound and with the miscarriage I didnt. I have an ultrasound next week but I was hoping for a heartbeat this time so I could relax and now all positive thoughts I had are gone. It was almost word for word what I have had before

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Mar. 4, 2014 9:58pm
I know it's hard not to stress, but it's pretty hard for them to pick up a heartbeat (sometimes) on a Doppler that early. It happens to me too and it is scary but I hope you get a piece of mind soon so you can start to relaxe a little. Keeping you in thoughts ;)

Comment from Amarylis13 » Posted Mar. 4, 2014 9:38pm
I had a dating ultrasound at 6 weeks 2 days so I am sure of my dates. Maybe it is a small one. That would be nice. I just cant wait for a complete confirmation that things are ok. Hearing the heartbeat does that for me and having this appt by almost deja vu to a previous loss has been pretty gutting. Once again I have to count down to make sure everything is fine

Comment from Peanut1987 » Posted Mar. 4, 2014 8:31pm
With this pregnancy I thought I was around 11 weeks at my first appt.,the doctor recommended we do a transvaginal ultrasound since he knew the Doppler may not pick up the heartbeat......good thing, turned out I was only around 9 weeks. Made me happy though to see a little baby moving, seeing a heart flickering and hearing a heartbeat that early.

Comment from babylove14 » Posted Mar. 4, 2014 6:59pm
It could be that the baby is so small. I went to the doctor at 11 weeks and my doctor wouldn't evem attempt to use the Doppler because she said the baby was too small so she did an ultrasound. Try not to stress yourself out though.

Comment from Amarylis13 » Posted Mar. 4, 2014 5:20pm
I have lost weight since my last appointment instead if gained . I am already underweight so losing is not good for me at all. So the dr wanted tocheck and see if we could hear anything since I am so small. I have a history of loses so it was to try and make sure eeverything is alright since I had some spotting. The dr even said she ddoesn't see the point of rushing me for an ultrasound since I already have one booked. They are doing more thyroid tests but not hcg at this point.

Comment from kaylia2oo5 » Posted Mar. 4, 2014 5:07pm
Did they do blood work to test your HCG levels? Best of luck- we had a miscarriage back in 2011 so I know what you're going through. Hugs <3

Comment from Eluria88 » Posted Mar. 4, 2014 5:06pm
They couldn't find a heartbeat at my 10w appointment either. I was 10w3d they couldn't hear it I'm now 14 weeks and still havent heard the heartbeat but every u/s has been fine. I also don't know what your doctor is measuring, they havent measured anything on me but the fetus in the u/s. I'm nowhere near showing anything at all especially when I lay down. I don't even get to go to the doctor again until 17 weeks. I'm sure everything is fine. They told me my uterus is probably tilted or something.

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