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acrichton's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 28, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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weight gain wonders
By acrichton » Posted Mar. 20, 2014 7:23am - 244 views - 3 comments

This is an odd thing to be fixating on but I can't help it. Since I first found out we are expecting I only gained 10lbs. I am 21 weeks and change so I thought I might be up around 12 or 14 lbs gained by now. I don't exercise much but I am active at work and I'm always cleaning since we are getting the house ready to go on the market soon. I guess this is normal gain bc the dr hasn't said much. At my anatomy they said everything was normal and the baby was 14oz so almost a lb. I don't know. ..I studied nutrition in college so I eat fairly healthy. Maybe I need to eat more. .. Although I do eat a good amount during the day and don't deny myself anything!yesterday I ate a huge froyo with fruit topping and at night I had chips a hoy!! Maybe I will gain more in the 3rd, just how this little dude is healthy!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from emmapeal9 » Posted Mar. 21, 2014 12:21pm
I lost 7 lbs in my first trimester. I've since gained that back and only about 2.5 more pounds. I try not to focus on numbers. Like Jennavee says, most of your weight will be focused in the third trimester, so be glad things are going slow for now. The doc will say something if they think the gain is too slow or a little too fast. :)

Comment from jennavee » Posted Mar. 20, 2014 9:27am
I try not to stress about numbers, but I've been watching my weight for so long it's ingrained in me. Weight gain is typically most in the third trimester, since thats when baby is putting on the most weight.
You're eating healthy and are gaining a little, so I wouldn't worry about a thing!

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Mar. 20, 2014 8:21am
Don't worry. I have technically not gained anything since losing 3 pounds in the beginning and only gaining it back so far. I'm sure my next visit won't be the same. And I am 22 weeks today. So, I hope I don't just gain a ton all of a sudden since I haven't really gained any. But, my doctor said he's very pleased with my weight so far, so I guess I shouldn't worry. As long as these babes are healthy.

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