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Joined Jan. 15, 2014 5:19pm

Amarylis13's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 27, 2014
I have given birth!

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My Journal

feeling very lonely
By Amarylis13 » Posted Mar. 25, 2014 12:27pm - 245 views - 4 comments

It has once again come to me being basically all alone in a city. I have my husband and my daughter but no close friends that I see all the time. My close friend lives in the next town so I don't see him very often. Those who I thought were good friends I have found out didn't really know me or care and I have lost them. My brothers and mother live an hour away so I don't get to see them often. Saw my brother this weekend and it has made me notice the huge hole I have in my life here in the city. The people I know are always too busy to see me and I have no one I can call for help for anything. The family I have in the city I have had no real relationship with and now that I know they partially shunned my father to protect his convicted child molester brother from my dads wrath I really want nothing to do with them. I miss having a friend that I could hang out with lots. I miss that kind of relationship. I had that before I became a mom and now even though I have my little person and another on the way I feel so lonely. I have no one to shop with, no one to laugh with. I love my husband and have a wonderful relationship but I NEED a close friend or two as well. I need someone I can talk to about the stuff he doesn't give two shits about like my new nail art stencils. Sure he is happy I buy myself this stuff but there is a line where I need a girl friend or an amazing gay friend and he can't be those and I don't want him to be. I miss my brothers, I miss feeling like I belong.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Amarylis13 » Posted Mar. 26, 2014 2:54pm
None if us drive except my dad so they might as well be that far away. He can be a real a-hole about driving people places but he makes damn sure you can never get your license. So I might be driving in the next ten years if I can afford it and find a way to pay the ridiculous drivers ed costs which dont even guarantee a drivers license.

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Mar. 26, 2014 9:31am
I could only wish for my family to only be an hour away. An hour is nothing compared to 2,000 miles.

Comment from Amarylis13 » Posted Mar. 25, 2014 4:10pm
Don't have any good mom groups in my area. The ones I have found are uber tight knit already and the birth club thing I was offered by health services was full of professional women older than me. All the other groups are on the opposite end of the city and since I don't drive I would have to be up around 6 am to even attend them. I am so jealous of the networking sites in the states. It seems like there are so many more options there than where I am.

Comment from jennavee » Posted Mar. 25, 2014 3:44pm
Have you checked in to any mom groups? Also, if you're planning on breastfeeding you could go to some local support meetings to get to know some people that are going through the same stuff (pregnancy and kids) and that might help!

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