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Joined Nov. 21, 2013 6:12pm

megan_wynne's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 31, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 36 years old
Location: East Grand Forks, United States

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My Journal

24 weeks
By megan_wynne » Posted Apr. 9, 2014 9:58pm - 284 views - 1 comment

How far along? 24 weeks (as of tomorrow, but close enough!)

Total weight gain: About 20...hoping it stays at that number for awhile now!

Maternity clothes? Yep, I've been wearing them for awhile!

Stretch marks? I have noticed them more lately.

Sleep: Better! I bought a Snoogle this weekend (a total body pregnancy pillow) and have been sleeping much better. It's still interrupted several times by having to go to the bathroom, but it's better.

Best moment this week: I finally feel like I actually look pregnant somewhat!

Movement: She moves quite a bit; still waiting for her to kick hard enough that hubby can feel it

Food cravings: I haven't really been craving anything recently

Gender: It's a girl!

Labor signs: None

Symptoms: Nothing new; feeling pretty good!

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? Off

Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy most of the time!

We found out today that our baby is Rh positive even though both myself and my husband are Rh negative. The doctor is a bit stumped and has to do some more consulting with a PhD at a premier blood lab in the area. But, it sounds like there is a very small chance that a person can test as Rh-, but really be Rh+ so it sounds like that's what we've run into. This means that I have to drive 2 hours every 2 weeks to see the specialist to test for anemia. If she shows signs of anemia, there's a whole lot of other things we have to do so we're hoping that we don't run into that!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Apr. 11, 2014 8:31am
Hoping that everything with the Rh turns out for the good and you don't have any problems.

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