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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 3:00pm

acrichton's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 28, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

Waiting. ..more waiting, but close to one finish line!
By acrichton » Posted Apr. 12, 2014 9:34pm - 240 views - 1 comment

Our house is under contract, yay! Inspection is next week so if all goes well with that and the house appraises for what it is selling for, we should close May 30th!

We are waiting to hear if my husband got the job in Michigan. It feels like forever and he only had the interview on Thursday. They told us we should hear "Early next week". The hiring manager knows our house is under contract so they got the hint not to keep us waiting around much longer (they also know I am quickly approaching the third trimester). So we are in the home stretch after waiting 2 months since he applied.

Should he not get the job we will be looking for a rental condo in NJ and he will start looking for a job with another company. We can't hang on promises anymore. Time for them to put up or we are out. My husband is a great candidate. . And his office and current manager said the hiring manager is smoking crack if he doesn't choose him lol. I am optimistic!

If he gets a good offer it will change our lives! To be able to be with my son full time will be the most amazing thing. I know sahm is no cake walk.... im not delusional about it. It will be hard abs some days I'm sure will be better than others. All in all things are okay. My shower is approaching, may 4th! Can't wait! :)

Keep my fam in your prayers and Good thoughts

I'm feeling pretty good physically. All my employees are sick, apparently one had the flu. Glad I got the shot! Baby is moving a lot more lately but hes still pretty mellow in there :) I got a rash on my belly today but it went away. Could be me reacting to the baby's testosterone which is apparently common. Other than that so far so good! Baby isn't kicking my cervix which is awesome, so not in pain there like last week.

Time for bed!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Apr. 12, 2014 10:25pm
You are having your shower a lot earlier in your pregnancy! Mine's not until June 22, a month before my EDD. I can't wait!

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