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acrichton's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 28, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

By acrichton » Posted Jul. 24, 2014 9:08pm - 407 views - 2 comments

Well another uneventful day over in Michigan...

I SWORE that I was going to go into labor today, but nada. I did lose more mucus plug over the course of the day, fully equipped with some brown and pink blood (bloody show??? maybe??). Having had my membranes stripped yesterday, I am pretty sure that was the cause. It has gone on all day though, which is different from every other time, so progress? Maybe.

Went to Motherhood today to pick up two nursing tanks and a few other things. Also stopped by Walgreens to get some, um, hemeroid stuff. Yay final weeks of pregnancy! haha

Wow this is a pretty TMI/gross entry isn't it?

I have been pretty good about giving my hubby space to relax before baby is born, but man I thought with me being SO close to D day that he would want to spend a little alone time with me alone before Torin comes...but yet again he is over our neighbors house (we have two neighbors he has befriended, which I am THRILLED about). Don't get me wrong, I like my space too and him being preoccupied with talking about tractors and fixing stuff with them has me very happy for him. Just today...I don't know. I think my intuition is telling me that we should spend time together before the baby comes.

I love my husband, so this is why I feel like if he needs unwind time I am going to let it be. I think the heart of the matter is that I MISS my best friend, and maybe some of my family - even though I know I will see my mom soon, it kills me that my best friend won't be able to hold my son after he is born. She is in Germany, and moving to China next month for 3 years. Talking to her on facetime while it is great, makes this whole thing so real. I can't just drive 10 minutes to see her like we used to. I had a close group of 4 of us back in NJ. This year has brought us all different places, except my one friend who is still in NJ. I miss them, my heart is broken that my son will not know them and get to grow up with them. :(

Holy emotions batman. I am hysterical right now. I just cried even more because my cat came up to make sure I am okay. She has been my buddy lately....sticking by my side. Best cat ever.

The truth is, labor is scaring the shit out of me and I feel like its so irrational to feel this way. I want everything to be okay, and to go smoothly. I want the baby to be okay, I want me to be okay.

I know it will be fine, and he will be here soon. Its almost time baby boy...come and meet us please, we are waiting for you!! I love you more than anything already.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from AshleyLauren » Posted Jul. 26, 2014 9:31pm
That is great your husband is friends with your neighbors, but I agree...he needs to spend some time with you before the baby arrives. It is definitely hard having loved ones who don't live close by whether a different state or continent for that matter! I feel the same way with my sister, she is on the other coast. Seeing each other twice a year is about all we can manage. Everything will be fine with you and the baby. You are one day closer to meeting him. :) Can't wait to see pictures!

Comment from wifey1985 » Posted Jul. 25, 2014 1:00pm
Everything is going to be totally ok!

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