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Joined Nov. 18, 2013 3:00pm

acrichton's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 28, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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My Journal

Hypertension nightmare
By acrichton » Posted Aug. 6, 2014 5:48am - 430 views - 1 comment

its been a wild few days

I was in and out of the hospital ER to get checked for Pulminary Embolism, which thankfully was negative. Also had an Echocardiogram,

Diagnosed with hypertension. My BP has been through the roof, as it was when I was in labor.

Started meds yesterday and already starting to feel a little more normal. Thankfully, my in-laws have been here and have essentially been doing all the housework so I can sit down and rest. My husband has been taking the night shift, and I will be doing days. I am so scared for my in-laws to leave but I know it will be okay. We are getting a maid service weekly so we can keep up with the deep cleaning.

My other issue has been breastfeeding. We have major latching issues. He roots and roots but wont latch on. While I was in the hospital we have to give him formula, so he has gotten a bit more accustomed to the bottle than I had hoped. I tried everything. I pump now, so we are doing half breast milk and half formula so I can keep resting. Calling a lactation consultant today, she is expensive. BUT she is the best in the area and she will come to our house. I will do anything to get him to breast feed. Tried a nipple shield even but can't figure out how to make that work lol.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Aug. 6, 2014 8:32pm
I'm so sorry you've had a rough go of it. Hopefully you get to feeling normal quickly.

And I feel you on the breastfeeding issues! My little guy is 5 days old and has refused to latch since we got home Monday (my milk came in that night). We had to give in and start him on some formula, but I am pumping and giving him what breast milk I can. Makes me feel horrible.

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