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rcorinne's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 19, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 39 years old

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My Journal - Page 2

On my way out
By rcorinne » Posted Aug. 13, 2015 10:39pm - 691 views - 9 comments

Well, I think I've kind of finished with the whole updating CMP thing. I don't want to leave you all, but I don't have a "pregnancy" to blog about anymore. In a way this is the 4th trimester. Emma wants to be held a lot. It's good. She's snuggly. She does seem to fuss more than Cameron did. Perhaps I'm less available, so it seems like more fussing. I mean, I've got another kid to deal with, so sometimes she has to wait, and visa versa. The first few weeks have been really tough on our family. Emma's diagnosis of MCAD deficiency really threw us for a loop, especially after the brief NICU stay, which thankfully she came out of with only an IV scab and heel stabs from glucose testing, and no worse for wear otherwise. DH and I have felt some strain on our relationship, especially with Cameron being both clingy and disobedient. We had a portion of last weekend without him, and it was such a relief. Of all the crazy good things to come out of this, though, Cameron is potty trained! I really thought he would/could do it this summer, but I didn't know how long it would take. And... I realistically feared the worst-- that he would kinda get it but still need diapers sometimes at daycare this fall. Boy, has he proved me wrong. He's even waking up in the middle of the night to pee in the toilet rather than soil the diaper I preventatively put on him at bedtime. He's really becoming a big kid. The downsides of that are his temper tantrums and firm desire to NOT do what I want him to do are really tough to handle. I can't just pick him up and forcibly move him where I want him to go. He kicks and hits. He screams. He is his own person and must decide on his own to come with me, or there is little I can do to force the situation. I had trouble getting him out of the house on more than one occasion these past couple weeks that DH has been back to work. Tough, when we've had appointments or errands to run. Also, I feel like I'm constantly battling to keep him from being in front of a screen 24/7. It's easier to get stuff done around the house and take care of Emma if Cameron is otherwise occupied, but I can't stand the fit he throws when I turn off the TV/computer/phone. It's almost not worth letting him look at it in the first place. However, I cannot tolerate zero/limited screens. Heck, I NEED screen time, for him and me, together and separate. It's sanity. We went to the park almost everyday last week. This week we went to the hospital for Emma's genetic testing blood draw. We went to the store a couple times. We went to the pool twice. We've not just been sitting on our butts, but the days are long. It's exhausting. I feel both lazy and busy. I'm constantly doing laundry. I'm obsessing about the clutter, the filthy old carpet, the dirty toilets, the clothes that almost fit, the next appointment, the next feeding, diaper rash, visitors, DH's activities sans me, etc. My mother-in-law stayed here two days this week and allowed me to go to the dentist and the eye doctor. It was wonderful. I wish she could have stayed longer. Another adult to talk to, hold Emma, prep food, and play with Cam is sooooo helpful. It's not quite as efficient as two of me, but in a way, even better than cloned Becca, because I crave friendship and empathy. Emma is already so big that she doesn't fit into all but one of her newborn sleepers. It's been too hot for them anyway, so on to the next recipient. Too bad. She seems both tiny and growing ridiculously fast. Her little body has filled out, especially her teeny arms and legs. Soon we'll be onto the next size of clothes waiting for her. Babies are only babies for a short time. It's fleeting. Must enjoy her. Must be grateful. One day at a time.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from tmhess » Posted Aug. 14, 2015 6:50am
I am glad everything turned out ok with Emma. :) I pray that things settle into a rhythm for you and you can breathe a little easier. Thanks for all the kind comments and good luck! :)

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