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Joined Mar. 16, 2015 10:11am

ThatNerdyMartinLady's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 26, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old

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My Journal - Page 2

In-law rant
By ThatNerdyMartinLady » Posted Oct. 2, 2015 7:44am - 380 views - 9 comments

I have been needing to rant a little, and I'm sure there's no better place to rant about such things as here, with my sisters in pregnancydom.
I had to go to a dinner with my MIL and GMIL Wednesday and have been just irritated since and I can't seem to shake it.
First, let me preface this by saying my husband's grandmother is COO COO BANANAS and pushy, and has to have her way in all things. She has stated to my face the baby will have curly hair and long legs like her, while I just sit there all 5'2" with my slick straight hair. Wednesday she said to me, and I am exact quoting, "I hope you know you'll have constant visitors and we'll be passing her around like a hot potato". This is very upsetting to me, as I will have JUST GIVEN BIRTH and I'll be learning how to breastfeed. I think she thinks she's going to just camp out in our room. Luckily I have already discussed with DH and he is prepared to be the bad guy if he has to. It just runs all over me what she feels she's entitled to.
Plus I am terrified of porcelain dolls and she was the only one who not only got us a porcelain doll but one that moves and plays music. I plan to accidentally drop it.

On to MIL. I love MIL, but she is also pushy. I don't think she realizes she is, I think in herind she's just trying to help. But at this same awful dinner (which DH couldn't attend because he's on second shift now) she says to me I should ask the doctor to induce me early like Casey did so I could enjoy thanksgiving dinner. First of all, Casey (a family friend) made the decision she thought was best for her family, that is fine, but my pregnancy is not Casey's. I kind of bluntly told her I would not be having an induction just to be convenient to everyone else and that Lily would come when she was ready. I probably won't be going to thanksgiving dinner since I will have stitches most likely, be bleeding heavily, and still getting used to breastfeeding. Thanksgiving is literally the last thing I am worried about at this point.
I know they also plan to come "help" after Lily is born, and I've been told I will appreciate all the help I will get. But I also dread it because MIL is the cleanest neat freak I've ever met, and my house is clean but also looks like someone lives there. She is bad for just absentmindly rearranging my cannisters and refolding my kitchen towels while she visits, and can only imagine if she is given free range to my entire house. I may not be able to find anything.

Gosh that was long. So sorry ladies, just needed to get that out. It's been one of those weeks.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Chantal » Posted Oct. 2, 2015 7:50am
Don't worry. we all had those days. Yes it's irritating and a pain. think they just excited about the baby. But your husband and you should have a nice long talk and make him explain to them that they can visit for abit each day but that is it! no one needs to tell you what to do. I lived with my in laws (outlaws) as I called them when I had my son. my word thought I would go nuts. My son was 1 week old and got told he was naughty and to let him cry it out. I mean wtf?????? But anyway I think you guys should lay out ground rules. it will make life easier. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.

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