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Joined Jun. 29, 2011 8:37pm

Renee0810's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 28, 2012
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago

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My Journal

what a day!!!
By Renee0810 » Posted Jul. 17, 2011 11:33pm - 247 views - 0 comments

well, it seems as if im always tired and hungry. My husband said thats a bad combination because I might fall asleep while im eatting, which sometimes i do, lol. But over all this pregnancy has me more depressed than anything. Its hard to find something to smile about everyday. It seems like nothing I use to wear fits, but the dresses. But I have been using a trick of my own to keep wearing my jeans and favorite Summer shorts.- I use my hair wrapper to help fasten my pants. Heres how it's done, I take the wrapper and wrap it around the button first then take then end and carry it through the loop where the button should go and then back around to the button and secure it . Perfect huh,lol. 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I promise you it seems like Im more. my stomach is huge., but I wouldnt trade the love and the joy that this baby has brought into my family's heart( even though he hasnt taken its first breath in this world yet) the moment we say the sonogram for nothing. So today was just another hot day in Mississippi.

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