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brittneyp400's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 27, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 32 years old
Location: Council Bluffs, United States

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Looking at the big picture..true or false labor?
By brittneyp400 » Posted Apr. 27, 2013 12:06pm - 606 views - 3 comments

April 26th, April 27th

contractions every 2-3 minutes for 5 1/2 hours. They didn't stop or change with activity (got closer together and longer duration), with fluids (stayed the same even after 16+ fl oz). I've been peeing nearly every 15 minutes, baby is still active (usually not during a contraction), pressure is getting worse, backache is getting worse. Google says its 'false labor' due to the contractions being low not high (they were low last delivery). I believe I have approx 4 more hours until they get noticeably worse (some are trying to take my breath away). It feels like baby is punching her bubble. The hiccups are quite annoying right now :( I'll have to update later.

UPDATE: 2-3 minute contractions for 11 hours, I got some sleep, but it was interrupted. They haven't gotten worse, but haven't gone away either. Laying on my side made them more noticeable, at least until deep sleep took over. Still contracting now, every 2-3 minutes. Called mom and told her about it, told a friend about it. My friend said that you have to be exactly 36 weeks for them to not stop labor, so if I go to L&D they might stop it.

ANOTHER UPDATE: still 2-3 minutes apart (I stopped timing them too). They have been going on now for about 15 hours. Took a shower to wake myself up and they got a little worse. I looked up "round ligament pain" to see if maybe possibly it could be that, but it doesn't match the description. Gonna try eating pineapple later and walk around some more, it doesn't really matter what I do, the contractions are there. Haven't called the midwife because I know they would send me to L&D (the only way I'd be delivering is if my water broke or if I was in active labor..I think thats at 4 cm). The pain still only starts on one side, but it comes and goes in waves and is low. Thats why I thought maybe it was ligament pain.

UPDATE: Nearly 16 hours later and they seem to be getting worse, I recently had a sharp stabbing back pain after a contraction. I'm irritated with everything and everyone, my hips are starting to ache, the top of my uterus is starting to hurt and the contractions are still every 2-3 minutes. (more like every 2 minutes)

FINAL UPDATE: After approx 18 hours after the contractions began, I went up to L&D to be monitored. The first 8 minutes of being hooked up, I had already had 4 contractions. They were coming every 2-2 1/2 minutes. I was supposed to be monitored for 20 minutes and ended up staying for 3 hours. I got a cervix check to see if the contractions were doing anything to my cervix. I was 2 cm, 50% effaced and she thought -3 station. She only checked that one time, probably due to me having the contractions for nearly a day (24 hours) straight. I gave a urine sample to rule out infection causing the contractions and they gave me dinner. After eating dinner, drinking 20 fl oz of water, I was put back on the monitor. The monitor showed I was still having contractions, but they were starting to get further apart. At this point they went from 2-3 minutes to 2-5 minutes. The nurse called the doctor and the on call doctor wanted to give me Terbutaline to stop the contractions, I declined because I was nearly 36 weeks. Went home and was absolutely exhausted, so I fell asleep at 7:30p. Got up multiple times to go pee and one of those times was around 12:00a, when I got back to bed, I noticed that the pillow I keep between my legs was wet and the blankets were wet. I didn't think anything of it but got up and checked to see if maybe my water broke while I was asleep. I couldn't tell, so I went back to bed. Few hours later, contractions were still there (must have been sleeping through them) and I checked if maybe my water was just leaking. Still couldn't tell, so I went back to bed. In the morning, everything was dry but I was still leaking something, couldn't tell if it was pee or amniotic fluid, so I went pee. It was most likely vaginal discharge.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from brittneyp400 » Posted Apr. 29, 2013 5:15pm
The contractions haven't gone away entirely, but they are further apart, sometimes a little more painful. I'm just glad to have almost made it to full term!

Comment from hopefulat40 » Posted Apr. 29, 2013 10:55am
Have your contractions stopped? Thinking of you!

Comment from hopefulat40 » Posted Apr. 27, 2013 12:53pm
You need to call the doctor or midwife ... it's ok to. But you are still quite early - so be seen just incase. :)

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