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Joined Nov. 29, 2012 8:46pm

kCharleneS's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 12, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 32 years old
Location: Colfax, United States

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My Journal

So stressed and exhausted
By kCharleneS » Posted Nov. 29, 2012 11:32pm - 184 views - 2 comments

Well, due to having severe cramping and abdominal pain since we conceived, we've been having blood tests, pelvic exams, and ultrasounds done to figure out why I've been in pain. The doctor I've been seeing (not my OB, just the one who confirmed my pregnancy and is my usual doctor/Nurse Practitioner) thought I was either having an early miscarriage or experiencing an ectopic pregnancy.

So at 4.5 weeks pregnant I had a trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal ultrasound done and there was literally nothing there. No sac, yoke, nothing. And this was in both my uterus and tubes. So he was worried that I was just experiencing false positives.

Had a blood draw done the day after my ultrasound to check my HCG count and didn't find out for three days when I took my 3.5 in for a physical for preschool with the same doctor (turned out they had the wrong phone number on record). He said that my levels were indicating was about 6 weeks pregnant and he wanted to do another test to make sure my levels were doubling every couple of days like they're supposed to.

The next Monday I found out that they did indeed double. He wanted to get me in for another ultrasound because maybe it was just too early to tell and I could still be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. Unfortunately I had to go out of town for two days leaving that Saturday and I wouldn't be back until Friday, but then their office was gonna be closed for Thanksgiving. So we just scheduled my follow up appointment for the next Monday and that would be when we schedule my next ultrasound appointment.

So Monday (November 26th) I went back in and they drew some more blood and checked my uterus to see if it was growing. It was. So then I went and scheduled my ultrasound (this first time, my partner was late so he didn't get to be there. This time he was with me). At 11 that morning we went in and right on the screen we saw the sac, yolk, and our little baby right where it's supposed to be. We even got to see the heartbeat when we switched to the trans-vaginal ultrasound.

Needless to say, we were so happy. Until I got a call from my doctor later in the day. He had talked to my OB and the radiologist (it was just an ultrasound tech that did the ultrasound, not the radiologist) and according to the images, there is blood where the baby is. This means that my risk of miscarriage has increased. I'm not on bed rest, thank god cause I have a three year old, but I'm supposed to be taking it super easy.

It just seems that this pregnancy is going so much harder than my last one. Like everything that can go wrong, is. My last pregnancy, I was 17 years old and aside from a missed period I had no symptoms besides heartburn. Now I'm exhausted, my breasts are so sore, I'm weepy, nauseous all day long, always hungry, and breaking out, having severe mood swings, and it's just so much harder. I was underweight back then and now I'm the perfect weight. All my pants don't fit already and I'm only 7 weeks and 6 days pregnant.

And my partner is not being very understanding. I've had zero energy lately and he had to nerve to call me lazy. He's been irritable and yelling at me and my son for weeks now over stupid things and I don't know how to handle him. And he's the one that asked me if we can start trying for a baby. It's just frustrating and I have nobody to talk to about it because the few friends I do have I don't want them thinking any lower of him than they already do. Ugh!!!

Okay, rant done. I'm going to bed. lol Thank goodness Nathan is staying two nights at his dad's house so I can sleep in tomorrow.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from kCharleneS » Posted Nov. 30, 2012 1:55pm
They didn't say, just that there was blood where the baby was.

Comment from bebalinda » Posted Nov. 30, 2012 12:50pm
Did they what blood around the baby was? At 9 weejs i had some bleeding and blood in my uterus which they said was a subchorionic hematoma but with drinking lots of water and taking it easy it disappeared by the time i was 12 weeks. Good luck!

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