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Joined Nov. 29, 2012 8:46pm

kCharleneS's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 12, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 32 years old
Location: Colfax, United States

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My Journal

By kCharleneS » Posted Dec. 6, 2012 12:26am - 172 views - 0 comments

So I had my first prenatal appointment today at 8 weeks and 5 days. My step mom took me because Sean had to work, unfortunately. It was pretty standard; I had to do the pee test and get a blood draw. They didn't test my urine while I was there though. Since I had a room with a private bathroom attached, they just had me leave it in there. They also removed four vials of blood.

They didn't do a pelvic exam, thank goodness, because I had one performed on November 5thish. He also didn't measure my uterus or get the Doppler to listen to the heartbeat.

The awesome thing is that my doctor performed an ultrasound while we were there, right in my room because they have their own ultrasound machine (even though they are literally connected to the hospital). Nathan was so excited to see his baby sister or brother. He stood right next to me asking questions.

We also got to see the heartbeat and Baby has a heart rate between 150-170. Apparently it fluctuates. But either way, we're hoping that since it peaked at 170 and we're just under 9 weeks that it's a girl. My step mom keeps saying, "when SHE is born." lol My parent's couldn't be happier.

My doctor also prescribed me some nausea medicine without hesitation. It's actually motion sickness relief, but I don't care. lol So after we went to see if my prescription was ready (which it wasn't) we went to see Sean at his work. I live in a small town so it's literally a 5 minute drive from the doctor, down Main St. Past the pharmacy and straight to the store where Sean works.

I showed him the picture that the doctor gave us and he was so happy. His face lit up. And when he got home he said that he needs to feed his baby. I also talked to him about the baby stuff and he still thinks that we can use the old stuff his mom kept from his brother, but he also knows that we still have a ton of stuff that we need to buy. Which was a relief. I thought I was gonna have to buy it all with my measly $91 child support checks every other week.

And then tonight, I laid down with Nathan for bed and as he said goodnight to me and the baby, he asked me "can I give Baby Sister a kiss?" It was the cutest thing. Of course I said yes, and he crawled down, lifted my shirt to see my belly and gave it a kiss. He keeps flip flopping between calling Baby "Baby Brother" and "Baby Sister". He wants us to have a boy, but I told him we don't get to choose, God chooses for us (we're not religious, but it was the best answer I could think of for a three year old. lol I have no issues with religion at all, we just don't really talk about it. Especially with Sean being an Atheist.) He has been so excited for the baby. The other day we were watching "The Land Before Time" and he got down and started telling Baby all about it.

Today, all-in-all, was a very good day. I'm so glad for it. <3

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