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Joined Nov. 29, 2012 8:46pm

kCharleneS's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 12, 2013
I have given birth!
Age: 32 years old
Location: Colfax, United States

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My Journal

By kCharleneS » Posted Mar. 30, 2013 12:28am - 203 views - 2 comments

So I have a friend on Facebook who I've been friends with since 7th grade and the past two days she has done nothing but argue with everyone over their beliefs on gay marriage and abortion. She even called my friends who are devout Christians not true Christians. And all my other friend did was say that she believed that if it came down to rape or a child being raped and forced into being pregnant that God would be more upset with the rapist. Then the friend who's been posting negatively then said that anyone who doesn't follow Christ's teachings and beliefs will be deleted and that they are ignorant. I have stayed out of all the fighting, only posting once about my stance on gay marriage on my own wall, but I am not a Christian. I don't believe in God. But I don't try and persuade people from their beliefs. I believe that religion can help people through a lot of their problems. I never tell anyone that what they believe is stupid or anything. So I commented and asked if that means that she'll be deleting me just because I don't believe in God. I told her exactly what I just said about not pushing my beliefs on anyone or anything. She never responded. But I checked her page and she did delete me. It's nice to know that I have lost a friend over a small religious disagreement. Honestly, I'm glad that she deleted me because if someone is gonna be that hateful to me or my friends and flat out call everyone ignorant just because we don't feel the same way that she does then she doesn't need to be my friend. It just sucks though because we all have had so much history together.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from kCharleneS » Posted Mar. 30, 2013 1:35pm
I hope she does. But honestly, at the same time, I'm glad that someone that can be so hateful and ignorant is not my friend. I don't want that around my family. I thought about this a lot last night, it'll be nice not seeing anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage stuff on my wall all the time. She's a great mom, but that's teaching hate, intolerance, and flat out prejudice to her children. It's not really that I'm Athiest per se, I was raised a Christian, but for the most part, I've seen nothing but discrimination and hate come from religion. They pick and choose what they want to follow. It's no different than being a racist. Religion has killed more people in this world than any of our wars. And I'm glad I don't have to see that anymore.

Comment from GemGem » Posted Mar. 30, 2013 12:39pm
It is so sad this girl you thought was a good friend would just delete you over religious reasons. Isn't she forgetting love thy neighbour? isn't hate a sin? Im not religious in any way but have seen the destruction it can cause. I see a program on the "most hated family in america" im sure you know of them. protesting on the street and getting there young children to do it too. Its a bit far for her to delete you over you being atheist. Maybe just give her some time to reflect, she may well come back with an apology about how stoooopid she has been. Hugs xxx

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