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Joined Jul. 24, 2011 12:50pm

DestinyStarr's Pregnancy

My Due Date: October 31, 2012
I have given birth!
Age: 51 years old
Location: Houston, United States

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My Journal

9w5d: Yawn Yawn, Stretch Stretch
By DestinyStarr » Posted Apr. 2, 2012 10:14am - 329 views - 0 comments

My pregnancy has been quite the snoozefest thus far. I'm not in any way complaining, but I can't help but entertain thoughts of concern here and there. Not worry, though -- can't afford the stress -- but just mild concern.

When I was pregnant w/my DD, I didn't really TTC very long. It happened on the first go-round. Boom. Full-term, uneventful pregnancy. Therefore, I didn't really pay a whole lot of attention to when certain symptoms, etc would kick in. I just remember all of my symptoms being relatively minor when I was pregnant with her. I also remember thinking that if I had been the type of person that didn't have regular, missed AFs then I probably wouldn't have even known I was pregnant for a good while into it.

Then... the stupid MMC (and chemicals)... which of course, a MMC can really render some emotional turmoil once you are finally progressively pregnant.

So here I am, 9w5d with minor symptoms and I don't see my doc for another week and a half. I'm careful to not say that I have "no" symptoms though.

I am still running to the bathroom relatively often, and waking in the middle of the night to pee as well. I also get headaches from time to time, so I keep chugging water to keep that at bay. That is pretty much the extent of it. Other minor things have come and gone like constipation, vivid dreams, and increased hunger -- but my goodness, any of that stuff can happen and you not be pregnant!

Is it weird to WANT to vomit at least once? Hey little baby... can you send me a wave of nausea so I know its real!? Some painful tits? Something?

I'm really surprised that my boobs have not been sore. I've been struggling to remember when that started w/my DD, but I can't. I thought it was around 8 weeks... all of a sudden they felt heavy and the shower water hurt terribly. This time? Nothing. Well, they've felt heavy/sensitive at times, but that has come and gone in short pockets over the weeks, kind of like a light bulb flickering on and off.

I've even thought about ordering a fetal doppler... but can't bring myself to spend the money with feelings of uncertainty.

Well.... those are my thoughts today. I really need to shake this. Cmoooooon next Thursday!

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