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Joined Feb. 9, 2013 12:50pm

Hudson's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 17, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Location: NEW YORK, United States

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Distraught over Sister's Miscarriage
By Hudson » Posted Aug. 4, 2013 9:22am - 445 views - 4 comments

My sister was two weeks ahead of me pregnancy wise. She would be 13, 14 weeks today. She announced her pregnancy as soon as the test was positive, and all was well. She has a son and never had any pregnancy complications so took a more positive approach than I did about all this. Since I have had many struggles with my uterus (surgery, bleeding episodes), I decided that since this was my first pregnancy it probably wasn't gonna be as clear cut and easy as her experience, so decided to keep quiet until I'm in the 2nd trimester. No one knows except DH and doctors. So my sister gives me a detailed account of how she miscarried and passed the baby and placenta at home, and I am glad to be there for her. She went through it all alone. She made the announcement to my family. Its been a rough two weeks. I would be making the announcement in two weeks, but now there is simply no right time for this, especially since we were so close in the pregnancies. Since this pregnancy has been complicated (SCH), I know that it can be risky even announcing it. She said she had few symptoms except her boobs stopped being sore. She just started bleeding profusely. With SCH I know you can bleed and be fine, but her experience and HCG levels were clearly dropping.

I know hearing about my pregnancy will be hard, so now I really don't wamt to announce it, but I feel like everyone will be upset either way. I'm especially concerned with my sister's feelings. My mom and sisters are upset that it took my sister two weeks to announce the miscarriage, so there's just so much drama surrounding my sister's pregnancy, there doesn't seem to be a good time to announce mine. She had no symptoms with her son, so didnt think anything of not having any this pregnancy. Everyone is so upset. My sister's so traumatized, and her story has made me paranoid about my own pregnancy and symptoms (or lack thereof). :-/

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from diamondbaby » Posted Aug. 14, 2013 4:33pm
Hey, it must be so hard for her and when things like this happen theres no right time but on the other hand she should be glad that your going to experience motherhood, after all youve been through a lot to get here, im sure she will be pleased for you, take care x

Comment from Hudson » Posted Aug. 4, 2013 11:48am
Thank you. It's hard, bc I feel guilt and know she will always be reminded of her child if all goes well with mine. And she will feel completely robbed, even if she gets pregnant soon, which she hopes will happen in the next couple of months.

Comment from Bostonmama08 » Posted Aug. 4, 2013 11:29am
I can't imagine what you are going through. This must be so tough to balance not hurting your sister but yet announcing your own pregnancy. My heart goes out to you for sure. I am sure after a few weeks time, your sister's news will have died down a bit and there will be plenty of room for your announcement. I would hope your family will be understanding of your position and be happy for you....and that you have come this far with a SCH.


Comment from sassysacha » Posted Aug. 4, 2013 9:56am
I am sorry that you are going through this. As long as you are not showing then I think it will be ok not to say anything for a little while to allow your sister to heal. Which seems to be #1 priority for you right now. When you do make the announcement you can always start off explaining your struggles and then explaining the reason you waited. I am sure that everyone will respect your decision. You are right there is no right time, but you will know when that time is. All the best my dear

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