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Joined Jun. 23, 2013 9:16am

So_much_hope's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 3, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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My Journal

Monday 01/27/14 - 35 Weeks!!!
By So_much_hope » Posted Jan. 27, 2014 5:18pm - 601 views - 1 comment

I can't believe I haven't journaled in so long. I am bummed out that I haven't kept up with it. I know I am going to love coming back and reading through all of this... Ugh... I guess I can't dwell on it.

So last I left off we were in Denver... well on the way home from Denver I went to the bathroom when we got on the plane and I had a brown clot the size of my thumb pad on the tp when I wiped and some brown spotting. It scared me but I thought to myself, there is no way I am getting off the plane and having the baby there so I chanced it and didn't tell my dh until we were up in the air. Besides, I wasn't having contractions... the only discomfort I was having was a low dull back pain and Rella was moving around. So when we got off the plane I went to the bathroom and checked again and there was no sign of spotting at all. The next day Sunday night I had more brown spotting. I called the doctor Monday and they said as long as I wasn't having painful contractions I could wait until my doctor's appointment the following Wednesday. So I went in Wednesday and she checked me for dialation - which I wasn't, did a swab, and put me on the NST monitor. The NST said I had 1 contraction over 30 minutes but Rella wasn't moving much.. so they buzzed her with this hand held probe that goes against your belly. It scared the poor girl half to death. Her heartrate shot up to 178!!! Poor thing! But they were happy that it showed she is reactionary so they were happy. The swab also came back negative for labor in the next 2 weeks. So they sent me on my way with strict orders to take it easy. Which I have been.

The week after was full of relatively painless braxton hicks contractions but the last 4 days or so I've been getting some menstrual type cramping. I wonder if its really really really prelabor? I go back to the Doctor this Wednesday so we'll see what she says. Jeff has also decided he doesn't want me working on the island past 38 weeks so we also need to talk to the doc about that.

Lets see... what else. Oh my wrists... Yikes! They have gotten horrible. I now have braces on both wrists because the carpul tunnel is so bad :( But the braces help a ton!! I actually have dreampt the last 3 nights because I am not waking up every 15 minutes with painful wrists and numb hands. The braces are a god send really. They are pretty annoying though. Luckily typing doesn't bother me too much.

Oh, I also had a baby shower the week before last. It was a ton of fun. I got so many great and amazing things!! My SIL's mom got me a beautiful diaper bag and a little baby northface jacket! She must have spent near $300 :-/. I also got a ton of clothes, a really cool stool for Rella to use as she gets older, some bottles, a my brest friend nursing pillow, some breast therapy cold packs, some toys, etc, etc, etc. The shower my mom is throwing me is this weekend and I am very excited for that!

I am super excited because the Seahawks are in the Superbowl this weekend!! Its going to be a big weekend with the shower and superbowl. I am sure I will be exhausted come Monday. lol.

I've attached my bumpdate from yesterday. I think she's dropped some because I can fit A LOT more food in my stomach, which is a BAD thing :( And food is tasting better to me lately too.. I bet I put on another 15 lbs before I give birth :( I am still battling the reflux though so I am still not eating much past 1pm except for special occasions. Like Saturday night we went to JJ's for his birthday and I ate super late. I was so tired when we got home that I was able to fall asleep propped up. I didn't have a single choking episode. Thank goodness!

So I am either developing new stretch marks or enlarged old ones... Just on my hips. I really really really hope my under belly makes it through un scathed but I don't think I'll be so lucky :(

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Angela18 » Posted Jan. 27, 2014 10:25pm
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts that Rella can bake longer! I had my first at 37 weeks with no signs or dialation prior to so you just never know. Hope you have a fun weekend and can take it easy from here on out ;)

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